Former King of Nepal Gyanendra Shah inaugurates campaign demanding ‘Hindu Rajya’ | Rest of the World News

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The former King of Nepal, Gyanendra Shah made a rare public appearance on Monday, where he inaugurated a campaign to establish Nepal as a Hindu state.

King Gyanendra

Image: AP

The former King of Nepal, Gyanendra Shah made a rare public appearance on Monday, where he inaugurated a campaign to establish Nepal as a Hindu state. According to the Nepalese news outlet, Khabarhub, the former monarch supported a campaign spearheaded by a member of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) (CPN-UML), Durga Prasai. The owner of the B&C Hospital in Jhapa has claimed to reinstate Nepal as a Hindu State. The outright support from the erstwhile king came after last month, thousands of supporters of the former royal, conducted a demonstration, demanding the restoration of the monarchy in the Himalayan nation. This is the first time the former Monarch, gave support to such a demand in more than a decade.

According to the Khabarhub, the king was also joined by the former crowned prince, Paras Shah. The CPN-UML leader announced that the campaign with the royal stamp of approval, will start from Mechi in Kakadvitta of Jhapa and will reach Mahakali. Parsai has been demanding the abolishment of federalism and has been aiming to declare Nepal as the “Vedic Hindu state,” Khabarhub reported. The event also took place on the same day the Nepalese Prime Minister,  Pushpakamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ declared, February 13 as a public holiday to mark the 23 years of Maoist war.

Royal family supporters demand the return of the king

The Monday event came after last month, thousands of supporters of Nepal’s former royal family held a rally, demanding the restoration of Monarchy, AP News reported. The rally took place around the statue of king Prithvi Narayan Shah, who was the founder of the Shah Dynasty back in the 18th century. According to the AP News, the supporters of such rallies, make demands for the restoration of the Nepalese Kingdom, every year on the birth anniversary of King Prithvi Narayan. While the 75-year-old King Gyanendra hasn’t been politically active, since the year 2006 when he stepped down as the king, his support to the Monday campaign indicated how the former King is inclined to make the country a Hindu state.

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