Fortnite Battle Royale v19.01

WEBWIRETuesday, January 11, 2022

Today??s forecast predicts tornadoes and lightning joining the Island??s elements. Find out below how to use this new weather to your advantage! And speaking of weather, turn up the temperature with the unvaulted Flare Gun. 🔥

Twister and Shock: New Weather Explained

If you see a tornado start to form, that??s no signal to flee. Instead, run into it as a swirling escape strategy! You??ll spin round and round ??til you choose to glide to safety ?? or if you stay spinning long enough ?? ??til the twister spits you out. Don??t worry: you won??t take fall damage if you get hurled.

If you see a dark cloud start to form, that??s not necessarily a signal to flee either. Sure, the lightning from it deals a small amount of damage (and sets the surrounding area on fire) but the power of its shock gives players a temporary speed boost. 

How to increase your chance of getting struck by lightning? Jump into a body of water beneath the cloud, or reach the highest land point under it! Lightning doesn??t strike twice back-to-back ?? once you??ve been struck, lightning won??t strike you again right after. 

Flare Gun Also in the Forecast?? to be Unvaulted Now!

Don??t leave it up to just lightning to start fires. With this hotfix, the Flare Gun has been unvaulted! So now in addition to Firefly Jars, you can spark Flare Guns to make use of spreading flames. Find Flare Guns in Chests, on the ground, and from Supply Drops!

Tornado Week: The Twisters Intensify

The cyclones are at high intensity to mark this climate shake-up. 

In Tornado Week, running from now to January 17 at 9 AM ET, there??s a higher percent chance you??ll encounter tornadoes around the Island for their debut. The wind is at your back! 

Competitive notes:

  • Tornadoes and lightning are not included in competitive playlists.

  • Flare Guns are currently not in competitive playlists but are subject to an evaluation period.

  • During this Season, items like the Flare Gun and Shield Keg could potentially be introduced to competitive playlists after a one-to-two week evaluation period. In this Season in particular, we??re evaluating the viability of more mid-Season items introduced to competitive playlists than in recent previous Seas

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