Forum promotes solidarity of emigrants with Cuba

The virtual forum Putting heart to Cuba will allow to promote solidarity with the island of its emigrants in times of hard challenges, Cubans living in Europe stressed today about the event scheduled for Saturday.

Promoted by the initiative launched in the old continent Together for Cuba, the meeting will bring together people who from different parts of the planet act guided by goodwill, love and defense of their homeland, according to the organizers in their calls in recent days.

Speaking to Prensa Latina, Octavio Ávila said from Berlin that the online forum represents a space to share experiences and strengthen support and aid activities for the largest of the Antilles, hit by the intensification of the US economic blockade and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ávila commented that in Germany there have been multiple actions to send medical equipment and supplies to the island, through the contribution of money and the collection of donations.

Among the initiatives we can mention the coordination with organizations in the United Kingdom and Panama to send resources and a campaign in Germany to collect medicines, explained the member of the association of Cuban residents La Estrella de Cuba.

It also meant that solidarity co n the besieged country has left beautiful anecdotes on German soil, such as that of a pharmacist in the city of Konstanz, who upon learning that the request was part of a donation for the Caribbean nation contributed money and medicines and expressed the criminal nature of the blockade.

Also the Cuban resident in Belgium Reinaldo Romero highlighted the importance of Saturday’s forum to strengthen unity of the Cubans who accompany the land where they were born.

All we can do for Cuba has great value and that is what motivates us to work tirelessly right now; Already from Belgium in the summer we sent two containers with medical equipment and sanitary articles and we are going for a third that we intend to load in the first half of November, he explained to Prensa Latina.

In France, the National Coordinator of Cuban Residents held the call for the virtual meeting and pointed out the importance of joint action in Europe and other parts of the world to help the island , both economically and in the condemnation of the blockade.

The organization that brings together several associations in Gallic territory, it reiterated its demand for the immediate and unconditional lifting of the siege imposed by the United States for more than six decades.

Prensa Latina

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