Four people are hospitalized with suspected botulism after drinking coffee in Ji-Paraná

Four people were admitted to the Municipal Hospital from Ji-Paraná (RO) after being suspected of botulism. According to the direction of the unit, two family members, a pharmacist and a retailer in the same house had the beginning of muscle paralysis after drinking coffee in a pharmacy in the city, in the late afternoon of Thursday (30).

After being very ill, the residents were taken to the health unit on Thursday night.

“There is this suspicion of botulism contamination, but other hypotheses are investigated. The four ingested the same substance in an establishment. They were admitted to the hospital yesterday and one of them, the one who took the greatest amount, is the most serious. But none of them were intubated,” said doctor Hendrrow Ribeiro in an interview with Jornal de Rondônia 1st Edition, this Friday (1st).

Botulism: what it is and how avoid food poisoning that can lead to death

On this Friday afternoon, the hospital informed, by note that the patient who ingested the greatest amount today “is moving the four extremities , with good tone and muscle strength, without signs of respiratory changes or swallowing changes.”

Also on Thursday night, the four hospitalized patients received the serum against the toxin of botulism.

The Municipal Hospital informed that, together with the Health Surveillance, it is investigating the case to confirm whether the four were contaminated by botulism.

“For patient safety, mild cases are under observation in Ji-Paraná, and the patient who ingested the greatest amount, due to a history of alarm symptoms, was chosen to transfer it to for the Cemetron ICU”, says the hospital statement.


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What is botulism?

Botulism is a rare poisoning caused by toxins produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum . Botulinum toxin is mainly transmitted through poorly processed foods ​​or with a very low level of acidity

Food botulism occurs when a person ingests food contaminated with the botulinum toxin.

The incubation period can vary from 2 hours to 10 days, with an average of 12 to 36 hours. The higher the concentration of toxin in the ingested food, the shorter the incubation period.

Botulism can cause complications such as prolonged weakness, nervous system malfunction and acute respiratory problems.

Symptoms vary, but may include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, difficulty breathing, paralysis, difficulty swallowing, among others. *) Among the products commonly involved in cases of botulism, there are canned foods, especially handmade ones, such as heart of palm and pickles; sausages (sausage, ham, etc.); smoked, salted and fermented fish, cheese and, more rarely, canned products.

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