France team, Noël Le Graët: “I have no opposition to a World Cup every two years”

The president of the FFF was asked about the new FIFA project, to which Didier Deschamps, the coach, is opposed to him .

Noel Le Graet, FFF

TO The Team , Noël Le Graët said he wanted to know first of all if it would enrich or impoverish the FFF: “I am very favorable to it for the girls on the condition that it is played in winter and not in summer by being too close to that of the girls. boys. For the boys, personally, I am not against it, but I do not give a blank check either. There is a big reflection on my part. I need to know whether this project enriches or impoverishes the French Federation, of which I am the president. (…) Not to take a close look at this project would be a mistake. I understand that the other countries are angry that Europe has organized a new competition (the League of Nations), which prevents them from being able to play friendly matches against the Europeans. You cannot ignore other parts of the world. Rich countries always find competitions to play among themselves. (…) So, I repeat, I have no opposition to a World Cup every two years, even if I ask to take a closer look ” concluded Noël Le Graët.

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