Fux praises Bolsonaro and predicts the lull will last

Inaugurated a month ago with the “ declaration for a nation“, the new moderate style of the president Jair Bolsonaro seems to have convinced the president of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), minister Luiz Fux.

In backstage conversations this week, Fux praised Bolsonaro. To people close to him, the minister said he was happy with the moderate behavior of the head of the Planalto Palace.

According to the column, the president of the STF also assessed that The absence of conflicts between the powers is “very good” for the country and he predicted that the calm in Brasília should be lasting.

Despite the praise, Fux’s interlocutors emphasize that, for the time being, there is still no forecast of a tête-à-tête conversation between the minister and the president of the Republic.

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