Gabriela Cristea, forced to support her family. Tavi Clonda was left without a single lion: “It's a bit difficult” EXCLUSIVE

Reversal of the situation in the family of Gabriela Cristea and Tavi Clonda. Currently, the TV star is the only one who brings income to the house, after her husband’s shows started to be canceled, in addition to the fact that the artist is no longer involved in any TV project.

“The performances were canceled in a proportion of 95 percent. It’s good if there are a few more. With the show, only the mothers with glues remained, I was taken out. Now they are also looking for dads, but harder with them “, Tavi Clonda declared for

The artist hopes, however that this problem be resolved soon, especially since there is no shortage of offers. “We are in negotiations for a TV contract. We’ll see, “he added.

End of show

Recently, Gabriela Cristea announced that the reality show, from Antena Stars, in which she and her husband were involved,

“Dear ones, I received many questions related to the show Tavi’s Girls by Gabriela Cristea. We’ve finished filming for Antena Stars, but we’re still filming the Victorians for our vlog on Youtube. Just today, Tavi uploaded a new vlog. I invite you to subscribe and activate the notification bell. Soon a new vlog with another recipe “, was Gabriela Cristea’s message on Instagram.

Gabriela Cristea si Tavi Clonda
Gabriela Cristea and Tavi Clonda

Smaller parties, reduced fee

Tavi Clonda confessed in a interview exclusively for, that he had to reorient himself, in a pandemic and that he is currently delighted with the smaller parties he participates in, which remind him of his high school years, when he played the guitar.

During this period, the artist performed at several events of this kind, such as birthdays, or a team-building that took place at Fundata.

”The shows resumed, but not with fire. They did it again, I have with the band, but the world has changed a little. I had smaller, private jobs, with 20-30 people, where I was the only one with the guitar, like in high school, or with a restricted formula, with the pianist and me.

I’m very cool, we went back to the origins, I do a nice show and so on. I really liked these smaller, more intimate parties that have their charm. Now it’s a bit difficult with the instrumentalists, but if there are songs, they also appear … I had a birthday, a team-building, private parties of any kind. Now almost all the events have started to be canceled again “, Tavi Clonda told us.

How met

Gabriela Cristea and Tavi Clonda met on the set of the show “I want you next to me”. The singer had come to rehearse for the show’s band, and even though from a professional point of view he managed to impress his current wife, since then, the same thing has not happened in the “physical” chapter.

Tavi Clonda had come to the auditions dressed inappropriately, more precisely in shorts. Subsequently, he managed to conquer Gabriela Cristea both by gestures and by dress.

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