Gambling grandma shows it to everyone in Warzone – victims could be her grandchildren

Warzone: Gaming grandmother makes insane kills – accusation of cheating included

© Activision

Who would have thought that Call of Duty Warzone was popular in this demographic? This grandmother plays extremely well – enemies claim she is cheating.

Santa Monica, California – This old lady hits better than most young players. Michelle Statham is “TacticalGramma” on Twitch *, TikTok and Co. This “tactical grandmother” goes with a sniper rifle in Warzone like no other. She shares her best kills on social networks and a new clip went viral on TikTok. A particularly insane kill makes the enemies believe that the streamer is cheating. shows the strange clip of the gamer grandma and what consequences she has to fear now.

The unusual streamer TacticalGramma is known for her crazy kills with the sniper rifle in Warzone. The Call of Duty – Battle Royale is currently flooded with cheaters, so that talent like this is promptly considered cheating is stamped. In the video, she hits one shot after the other and even takes enemies out of helicopters. However, it’s another kill that is suspected of cheating. Almost 300,000 people have already seen the TacticalGramma clip and the fans are on their side. is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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