Games Aid appoints new trustees

Charity selection process also begins today, with selected organisations to receive support throughout the whole year for the first time

Games Aid has appointed five new trustees to serve on its board.

Following a vote among existing trustees, Nick Allan (legal director and head of interactive entertainment at Lewis Silkin), Alex Moyet (brand director at Penguin Random House), David Ortiz (COO at Ico Partners), Fernando Rizo (CEO at Modern Wolf) and Sara Veal (workplace experience manager at Uplift Games) were appointed.

Games Aid also announced it’s starting the process to select the charities it’s going to work with for FY2022, with members “invited to nominate charities that support young people, which have a turnover of less than £3m and spend less than 30% of running costs on administration.”

An election will then take place in Spring 2022 to select five organisations.

The selected charities will receive support from Games Aid throughout the entire financial year, rather than just funds at the end of the year like in previous years.

“We believe that selecting causes in advance, rather than at the end of the financial year, will provide greater support for the charities selected and give the industry extra confidence that the causes it cares for are receiving the best backing from the industry charity,” said Games Aid co-chair George Osborn.

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