Gangubai Kathiawadi has finally hit the theatres and people are already raving about Alia Bhatt‘s stellar performance. The actress has been receiving astounding reactions from the critics and viewers who have watched the film. Recently, Alia Bhatt and Sanjay Leela Bhansali had hosted a special screening for a few Bollywood members and now they have shared their reviews. Everyone is going gaga about Alia Bhatt’s spellbound performance. Janhvi Kapoor to Javed Akhtar, everyone has been praising Alia Bhatt’s spectacular act. Janhvi Kapoor wrote, “You are the definition of brilliance unparalleled level of craft and finesse and heart and soul. You a Gangubai are nothing short of cinematic magic!” Ranbir Kapoor‘s sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni couldn’t stop praising Alia, “When two living legends come together and create magic… what a fantastic movie! Brilliant performance! Alia Bhatt, you nailed it.” Shashank Khaitan who has made Humpty Sharma Ki Duhanai and Badrinath Ki Dulhnia with Alia Bhatt shared his praise too, “Please book your tickets, and go watch Gangubai in a theatre near you, to watch the sheer genius of Alia Bhatt… shakti, Ganpati, sadbudhi our beshumar talent, sab iss ladki ke pass hai (power, wealth, good sense and a lot of talent-–this girl has it all).” Also Read – Gangubai Kathiawadi: Alia Bhatt reacts to Kangana Ranaut’s claims that the film will be a huge FLOP [Watch Video]
BollywoodLife Awards 2022 is here and VOTING lines are NOW OPEN. Vote for Best Actress- Hindi. To Vote in other categories log on to ( Also Read – BTS X Gangubai Kathiawadi: Jimin, V, Suga, Jin, J-Hope, Jungkook and RM show off their dance moves on Alia Bhatt’s song Dholida – Watch Video
Ritiesh Deshmukh was in awe of the film, “Saw Gangubai Kathiawadi last night!!! Another magical experience… Sanjay Leela Bhansali is an absolute master storyteller. Every frame in the film has perfection written all over it.” He called Alia gold, “You are gold! You are a fantastic actor but you have outdone yourself as Gangubai.” Earlier Vicky Kaushal expressed how he is shook by the film, “Absolutely shook by the sheer brilliance at display in this film. SLB sir, you are a master! And Alia Bhatt, don’t even know what to say about you… breathtakingly amazing as Gangu! Hats off. Big screen cinema magic. Don’t miss.” Are you planning to watch the film? Also Read – Alia Bhatt’s sizzling white outfits for Gangubai Kathiawadi that one cannot miss out this season – Watch
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