Gas tax: curfew imposed on dangerous volcanic evaporations on the island of La Palma

No curfew has been imposed on other municipalities on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands due to deteriorating air quality due to a volcanic eruption and the release of gases dangerous to human health

– quoted the local disaster communication from MTI

The measure affects around 3500 inhabitants of La Palma in Los Llanos de Aridane and El Paso

The new curfew is due to weather conditions

, said the island’s disaster management authority. The meteorological conditions are such that the gases accumulate in the lower layers of the atmosphere instead of dispersing.

People in the affected areas of the island have been called upon to close doors and windows and switch them off.

The Spanish Institute of Geology and Mining (IGME) reported on Friday that another crater had opened on the Cumbre Vieja volcano, from which lava erupted. and head for the sea.

Volcanologist Miguel Angel Morcuende spoke of the “intensive activity” of the volcano in this context. So far, approximately 6,000 people have been evacuated from endangered areas around the volcano that erupted on September 19, where more than eight hundred buildings have been destroyed. At the same time, only a fraction of the island’s 83,000 inhabitants, less than eight percent, are directly affected by the volcanic eruption, Morcuende added.

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