Gay pastor founds evangelical church after “hearing the voice of God”

A Brazilian evangelical pastor said that he discovered gay after taking a trip to the United States. According to him, God revealed to him that his sexual orientation would be with him anywhere.

Marcos Gladstone revealed to the Metropolis website that he was engaged to a woman, when he faced a moment of discovery . On a trip he took to San Francisco, in the United States, he saw gay couples holding hands, kissing, and according to him, “it moved me a lot.”

“I heard the voice of God , revealing that my sexual orientation would be with me anywhere, wherever I went. San Francisco changed my life. It’s the Mecca of gays, a kind of sacred land, where I found myself”, he said. he joined another pastor and founded the Contemporary Church.

Jesus said: ‘The truth will set you free.’ It was the argument I used to put an end to my doubts. Living in a lie would be an even greater sin before God”, said the pastor.

The pastor’s husband, Fabio Inácio, also lived a relationship with a woman, including they were engaged. Marcos and Fabio got married in 2009 and today they have four adopted children.


The pastor says that after coming out, he has been the target of prejudice.

“After I I assumed, I started to be attacked inside the church, as well as my family. And that became a mission for me. People of all sexual orientations have a right to live their faith. There is no gay cure, but there is a cure for exclusion, for prejudice, for hate,” Gladstone pointed out to Metrópoles.

Currently, the Contemporary Church has more than 2,000 faithful. At the beginning of its foundation, it had 150 followers in a space in the bohemian neighborhood of Lapa, in the center of Rio de Janeiro. Other units of the church have emerged in three states: São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Bahia.

Segundo Marcos , the expansion of its Church was accompanied by episodes of violence against the pastors, their faithful and the temples, vandalized on many occasions.

“Our unit in Madureira (in the north of Rio ), which is very close to another, more conservative church, was attacked, spray-painted with biblical sayings used out of context to attack homo-affective members. We had to hire security guards to contain hateful Christians, people used, often politically, to attack gays,” he said. that they can find along the way.”

“We try to show our children that they need to be strong to face possible more embarrassing situations, since this, unfortunately, can happen at any time”, says the pastor.

The couple are parents of Felipe, adopted at age 6, now 17; Davison, welcomed at 8, and who is now 19; Hadassa, who arrived in the family at 3 months and is now 5 years old; and Esther, adopted at 4 months, now 2 years old.

“The Holy Book is often used incorrectly, meeting the non-Christian wishes of leaders who work for their own benefit. . I try to show that we are all children of God, in our fullness, deserving of a home, a family and a community of faith”, concluded Pastor Marcos.

Pastor Marcos, her husband and their four children – Photo: Reproduction

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