Geoffrey Deuel, ‘Chisum’ and ‘The Young and the Restless’ Actor, Dies at 81

Geoffrey Deuel, an actor whose roles included Billy the Kid in the 1970 John Wayne movie “Chisum” and Dave Campbell on “The Young and the Restless,” died on Sunday, according to a family obituary. He was 81.

He was the younger brother of Pete Duel, a fellow actor who was best known for his role on the 1970s TV western “Alias Smith and Jones.” Duel died in 1971.

“It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Mr. Geoffrey Deuel, a beloved actor, husband and brother, who departed this life on Dec. 22, 2024. Born on Jan. 17, 1943, Geoffrey lived a vibrant life that touched many hearts with his kindness, love and caring personality,” his family wrote on

Deuel died in hospice care in Florida from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, his wife Jacqueline Deuel told The Hollywood Reporter on Thursday. “He and Peter were very close,” she said of the two brothers. “They really loved each other and took care of each other.”

“Geoffrey was a man who cherished the love and warmth of family… [who] lived a prosperous life distinguished by his notable accomplishments, the love he gave, and the love he received from those around him. His kindness, his significant contributions to the acting world and his caring personality will forever echo in the hearts of the many lives he touched,” his obituary continued.

The actor was a regular on “The Young and the Restless” from 1973-77. His other TV credits, which ranged from 1966 to 1988, include appearances on “The Monkees,” “The Flying Nun,” “The F.B.I.,” “The Mod Squad,” “Mannix,” “Mission: Impossible” and “The Streets of San Francisco.”

He is survived by his wife Jacqueline.

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