George Burcea, harshly criticized on the internet. What Andrea Bălan's fans did after the last scandal

George Burcea was harshly criticized by fans of his former life partner. What did the internet users do to him after the last scandal with the famous Andreea Bălan? Those who love the soloist jumped to her defense. What did they say to the actor?

Andreea Bălan’s fans, harsh criticism for George Burcea

George Burcea is increasingly being attacked by fans of his former life partner. Those who love the artist take her defense in the recent scandal between her and the actor. We remind you that video images appeared in which the two had inappropriate outings. The blonde accuses the father of her little girls of drinking too much and still consuming banned substances. huge ones he brings them. Viviana Sposub’s boyfriend seems to have attracted the antipathy of many internet users who charged him harshly every time he made a post.

“This is the Romanian public. People think this girl is t , but she’s just my sister. And so far, 1,001 messages have been collected. Sad! Very sad! ”, George Burcea posted on Instagram.

The famous actor continues to express his grief over the words thrown in public between him and the mother of his children. Also, he often came up with other options for the stories told by the half of the band Andre.

“On what basis do you tell me I’m a drug addict and a drunk?”

Andreea Bălan: “Stop! Look, I respect you for her. ”
George Burcea:“ Finish with these things and let me tell you. ”
George Burcea: “Look, let’s say I did those things”,
Andreea Bălan: “You have nothing to tell me. I have nothing to talk to a man who insults me. ”
George Burcea:“ Listen to me too ”.
Andreea Bălan: “I have nothing to talk about.”
George Burcea: “On what basis do you tell me that I am a drug addict and a drunkard? Tell me on what basis do you say on the phone that I am a drug addict and drunk? ”
Andreea Bălan:“ Because you are also it turned out you were. And the public was seen to be. You sabotaged yourself with the book. You are! What else to talk about? You are. ”
George Burcea:“ On what basis? You tell me I’m offending you when you actually offend me and put it in the heads of children c% $ # @ uri ”
Andreea Bălan: “I don’t put anything in children”.
George Burcea: “On what basis?” (Source: )

We recall that the five-year relationship between the stars reached a failure shortly after the two married. Unfortunately, the separation was a scandal that has continued since February 2020 and until now. They are still fighting in court for the girls they have together, but it seems that whatever they do they fail to reach a common ground.
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