German Conservative leader Armin Laschet “ready to leave party leadership”

Wojtek Radwanski / AFP / Profimedia

(Beta-AFP) – German Conservative leader Armin Lachet, severely weakened and under pressure after his party’s defeat in the September 26 parliamentary elections, said today he was ready to leave the leadership of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

(We will quickly raise the issue of the new CDU team, from the president of the presidium to the federal executive committee, “he said Lashet in Berlin.

Less than a year has passed since the 60- year-old Lašet took over the leadership of the party from Angela Merkel.

He said he would ask for a convocation Congress of the CDU to discuss the future and reorganization at the head of the party.

“Since the departure of Angela Merkel from the position of party president, we have had a constant debate.” party leadership, he said.

According to the daily Bild, the congress could be held in the first half of December in Dresden .

Lachet personally took responsibility for the worst election result of the Conservatives in the history of modern Germany , with 24.1 percent of the vote.

At the same time, the German Social Democrats (SPD) ) who came out in the elections with a slight advantage over the Conservatives, today began talks on forming a three-member coalition government with the Greens and the Liberals of the FDP.

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