German schoolgirl freezes in the school yard, just don't have to be in a class with unvaccinated

In Germany, a seventh-grader refused to enter his class because several people did not get vaccinated there and studied for days in the school yard – wrote

The 13-year-old Yasmin girl has already been taught by the media how to dread properly. Although he has asthma, even in the yard, he wears the FFP2 mask all alone and is really only afraid of the unvaccinated, from the colds, colds, or pneumonia that can be caused by sitting outside. The child attending the real school explained the voluntary retirement to the press as follows:

“There are those who have not been vaccinated and they do not follow the rules. And I will no longer sit in the same room with them. ”

He does all this despite the fact that it is compulsory in all German schools. students are tested and those who produce a positive result are confused.

The student received a table and a chair from the school so she can follow the lessons online. During the really hard cold days, he received an empty room from the management of the institution, where he could hiss in silence about the unvaccinated.

The headmaster of the school stated that he understood the girl’s problem:

“We see in children that the pandemic causes them a lot of anxiety because neither they want to get infected nor their families.

Sober-minded youth workers say it is not normal for a 13-year-old to he is afraid of an infection, to study in the yard in the middle of winter in frost, snow, rain, rather than to be among his healthy, constantly tested unvaccinated companions.

The authorities raised a more serious examination of the little girl’s family background and the possibility of taking him into public care by the time the school immediately protected the student, as if her behavior were completely normal.

The city administration finally allowed the girl to follow the classes online from a room where she could be alone, away from all the unvaccinated ; of the corona-Maßnahmen hinweisen. Dug Jugendamt der Stadt @ Hagen_Westfalen is a value-added and in-house project. # twlz nZL81vGZWP

– Heinrich-Heine-Realschule (@heinereal) January 12, 2022

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