girl posted an illustration Fake fillers ruin lives. making a face so bad that he didn't dare to go out for years

Media News reported that A young woman’s post was shared online. posted a picture of himself His face had several red spots. She said that it was a result of having to inject fillers. that is not standard from a clinic causing side effects His face was so devastated that he didn’t dare go out and meet anyone. Stressed to the point of being sick and depressed I didn’t even dare to make a video call to my son. Moreover, after posting The clinic also threatened to remove the post. So she begged for justice from what she had to face. All text states

#There is no such person in this world anymore. On the day when our appearance is changing From what we used to call us beautiful about to become us ugly The face has a red coin-sized blister. Under the eyes is red, nose is swollen and bruised, both cheeks are swollen and hard and can’t smile anymore

Everything is raging. The liquid is eating meat. and expanding wider and wider You have to take steroids to support your symptoms. The money to be used for treatment is not shy, not afraid to show anyone’s face reluctant to socialize dare not post I don’t dare to meet my friends fear of being trampled So I’ve been living under the mask for over 2 years, staying in my room every day. I didn’t even dare to video call my child. Because you used to ask me what my mother’s face is?

must take medicine Depression every day, stressed, mentally retarded, hair loss hundreds of hairs a day until the hair starts to thin and cleft

Now, honestly, I’m very discouraged. I don’t know how to get myself through it In my head, I keep wanting to die several times a day. This is the reason why many people wonder where we have disappeared, even though we have never really disappeared. Still scrolling to see the possibilities of each person each day. secretly press some likes peek from a distance We want to tell all our friends that We still miss all our Facebook friends. I want to post, play, play, nonsense, have fun together as usual. And we hope that all our friends will miss us too. Thank you

#elution #Fake Filler #Life Changing Surgery #Pink Leading Clinic

after that News has also posted a message again. State that

Recently, the clinic sent a message threatening to force me to delete this post. But the lawyer said no need to delete I would like to use this space. If anyone has seen this post I ask for help from everyone. Ask everyone to help me share each post one after the other. Let’s make it news . to the end Or if anyone has any channels, please help me. #Pray for the power of society to help me stay by my side.

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