GM 4L60-E Transmission: The Most Common Problems Owners Report

Yellow C5 Corvette parked

betto rodrigues/Shutterstock

General Motors’ 4L60-E automatic transmission is one of the most popular transmissions ever built. It was initially designed to replace and modernize GM’s older Turbo 700R4 — also known as the original 4L60 gearbox. The legendary automaker manufactured the transmission and installed it in some of its most popular cars, trucks, and SUVs between 1993 and 2013. 

The gearbox’s name is a basic code that breaks down its specifications — it’s a four (4) speed transmission designed for longitudinally (L) mounted engines in vehicles weighing up to 6,000 (60) pounds and featuring electronic (E) controls. While designed for smaller cars, GM ultimately built the 4L60-E transmission into various vehicles, including the Chevrolet Tahoe, Camaro, Suburban, and even the legendary Chevy Corvette.

In the years since its replacement in 2013, the 4L60-E transmission has developed a reputation as a robust and reliable gearbox and an excellent base for custom builds and swaps. But even though the 4L60-E transmission is one of the most popular and enduring gearboxes ever built, it’s not without its issues. Owners of vehicles with this transmission commonly report a few problems, and some of these defects can cost a pretty penny to repair. To help you better understand the issues that plague the 4L60-E transmission, we checked out the most common problems reported by owners and cross-referenced that information with transmission expert testimony. From slipping gears to strange noises and the inability to shift, here are the most common 4L60-E transmission problems that owners report.

Trouble shifting from second to third gear

Automatic transmission gear shifter

Everyonephoto Studio/Shutterstock

One of the most common problems that owners report experiencing with the GM 4L60-E transmission is an inability to shift from second to third gear after heavy use. Drivers experiencing this issue typically report that first, second, and reverse gears usually work, but when they try to shift from second to third gear by accelerating, the engine just revs. 

At first glance, this problem appears to be caused by a burnt-out 3-4 clutch pack, the component responsible for moving the transmission from second to third and third to fourth gears. However, a deeper inspection reveals the true cause to be a worn-out 3-4 piston, the part that actuates the 3-4 clutch pack. The piston is built with a rubber seal. Over time and due to excess heat, that seal can warp, allowing hydraulic pressure to blow past the seal and fry the clutch pack.

To fix this issue, owners will need to replace both the 3-4 clutch pack and the 3-4 piston, which is essentially a complete transmission rebuild. While rebuild kits are available online for relatively cheap, automatic transmission repair can be pricey, and replacing clutch packs and other internal transmission parts requires a significant amount of labor. That labor is what accounts for the bulk of gearbox repair costs, as technicians are required to remove the transmission and disassemble significant portions to access clutch packs and pistons. For 4L60-E transmissions that need new 3-4 clutch packs and pistons, owners should expect to pay at least $1,000 to $2,000.

Trouble shifting from first to second gear or reverse

Driver with hand on shifter

Kostiantyn Voitenko/Shutterstock

Another common problem with the 4L60-E transmission is an inability to shift from first gear into second or reverse. Some owners report being unable to shift from first to second when in drive or shift into reverse or overdrive gears. Other symptoms include slipping gears and grinding noises.

In most cases, all of these symptoms are due to a broken drive shell — commonly called a sun shell in the automotive community. The sun shell is an internal transmission component that helps actuate the central input, or sun gear, in the planetary gear set found in 4L60-E automatic transmissions. In these gearboxes, the sun shell is a known failure point. Usually, the drive shell either separates into two pieces or the internal splines become worn down by the input gear.

Regardless of whether the splines are worn down or the sun shell separates into two pieces, the fix requires replacing the part. While a new or upgraded sun shell may not break the bank, you’ll have to remove the transmission from the car and disassemble it to access the part. That’s essentially equivalent to a transmission rebuild, which means, unless you’re doing the work yourself, it’s not a cheap fix. Drivers of vehicles with the GM 4L60-E transmission report being quoted between $1,700 and $1,900 for a complete rebuild.

Extremely hard shifting between first and second gear

Driver shifting gears automatic transmission


Some 4L60-E users report experiencing hard shifting between first and second gear. This problem is also frequently accompanied by a check engine light (CEL) and diagnostic trouble code (DTC) P01870.

Various problems can cause this issue. Drivers with both the P01870 DTC and harsh shifting between first and second gears frequently report the problem to be a worn-out torque converter clutch (TCC) regulator valve. This can cause the TCC to slip. When the car’s computer detects the problem, it activates the CEL and increases the amount of fluid pressure applied to the TCC, resulting in hard shifts. However, drivers that only experience hard shifting without a CEL report receiving different diagnoses, including a worn-out one-two accumulator and a faulty throttle position sensor (TPS).

The fixes for all of these issues are to replace the damaged parts or repair them with a rebuild kit. The TCC regulator valve is located in the transmission’s valve body. It’s not super difficult to access this component, but it could be a bit too technical for automotive novices. Replacing the one-two accumulator also involves working with the valve body, while replacing the TPS is simpler and only requires disconnecting a sensor from inside the engine bay. If you plan to perform the fixes yourself, your only cost will be the replacement parts. However, if you hire a professional, you should expect to pay at least $200 to $500 for valve body work and roughly $150 to $200 for a TPS replacement.

Is it worth repairing or rebuilding a GM 4L60-E transmission?

mechanic working on a transmission

Setta Sornnoi/Shutterstock

Now that we’ve discussed a few of the most common issues known to plague the GM 4L60-E transmission, you may be wondering whether it’s worth repairing or rebuilding one of these gearboxes, as some of these problems require costly repairs. It’s worth remembering that the youngest vehicles with the 4L60-E transmission are now more than 11 years old. Many drivers may be reluctant to spend thousands of dollars to rebuild the transmission in an older vehicle, and for good reason.

Automatic transmissions are incredibly complex, and mechanics require special training to perform deep repairs on internal parts. Because of that, transmission repair jobs can quickly climb in price from relatively affordable to incredibly expensive. Once the repair bill passes a certain threshold, many technicians recommend replacing the transmission with a new or remanufactured model. That’s because once the repair costs exceed the price to remove the old transmission and install a new one, there’s really no point in dumping extra money into an old gearbox.

So, is it worth repairing or rebuilding a GM 4L60-E transmission, or should you just replace it with a new or remanufactured version? The answer ultimately depends on how severely damaged your gearbox is. For owners suffering from a faulty TCC regulator valve, worn-out TPS, or bad one-two accumulator, fixing the problem is generally cheaper than replacing the transmission. On the other hand, if you have a broken sun shell or worn-out clutch pack, you may be better off paying for a replacement transmission, especially if you live in an area with high labor rates.

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