Godfrey: “I am glad that the agreement reached in Brussels is being consistently applied. Now we have to focus on a lasting solution… ”

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(Beta) – US Ambassador to Belgrade Anthony Godfrey said tonight that he is glad that the agreement reached between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels is being consistently implemented.

“It is nice to see that the agreement reached in Brussels is being consistently implemented,” he announced on Twitter.

He added that “freedom of movement and trade are the foundation of regional integration and economic prosperity.”

“Now we have to focus on a permanent solution”, stated Godfrey.

Kosovo special units left their positions at the administrative crossings between central Serbia and Kosovo, Jarinje and Brnjak today at 4 pm, and heavy machinery was removed from those crossings by which Serbs blocked the main roads.

The negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina on Thursday are in Brussels agreed that the crisis in Kosovo, caused by the introduction of temporary registrations for vehicles from central Serbia, would be resolved by temporarily introducing vehicle stickers.

The agreement stipulates that by October 2, at 4 pm, the roadblocks near Jarinje and Brnjak set up by Serbs will be cleared, and that special units of the Kosovo Police will withdraw and be replaced by KFOR soldiers. .

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