Gone Astray… in the Fieldlands request guide – Pokemon Legends Arceus

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Wanda has now gone off and gotten lost in the Obsidian Fieldlands. As Zeke puts it, it’s like she got lost in her own backyard. Well, you know the drill. It’s time to go hunt Wanda down and bring her home safely. Here is how you complete the Gone Astray… in the Fieldlands request in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

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Before you can unlock this request, you first need to complete the previous three requests from Zeke and have at least reached the Alabaster Icelands. Once you have accomplished this, Zeke will request that you find his sister yet again. This time, you will need to travel to the Obsidian Fieldlands.

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It is easiest to spawn at the Heights Camp since Wanda is nearby there. Head southeast from the Heights Camp and you will find Wanda being threatened by a few Paras. A battle will commence between you and the three Paras. Make sure to have a flying or fire-type Pokémon at the ready to dispatch of them. After the Paras are defeated, Wanda will make her way back to the village. Head back to Zeke and he will reward you with three Star Pieces.

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