The electric balance bike is a bicycle without pedals that allows you to move around easily. It is comfortable and pleasant to use, its size is ideal for getting around town more quickly. The UrbanGlide Bike 140 electric balance bike is on sale on Amazon, its price is plummeting and goes from €499 to €340.99.
Presentation of the UrbanGlide Bike 140 electric balance bike
The UrbanGlide electric balance bike is a foldable model, which makes it easy to store and travel in transport together, for example. It fits very easily in a trunk, if you want to take it everywhere with you during your weekends or your holidays. This model is equipped with an extremely comfortable saddle, it is a pleasant means of transport to use. The UrbanBike-140 is equipped with a 350w propulsion motor, to help you climb gentle slopes and provide you with good acceleration. Its autonomy allows you to travel between 15 and 20 km depending on your use. The battery level is indicated on the handlebars with 4 LEDs for easy control. The UrbanGlide balance bike is equipped with a mobile application that provides access to important information: distance travelled, battery status, route, remote wheel locking option (anti-theft function).
The advantages of the electric balance bike
You ride the electric balance bike in a seated position to be perfectly comfortable while moving quickly. It combines all the advantages of an electric means of transport, it is an ecological, economical means of transport, very useful as a means of transport in town and rather light. This electric machine folds and is not bulky, it can be stored easily and it meets many needs, it can be used in various ways.
So in your opinion, the electric balance bike can correspond to what you are looking for?
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