Good morning: The goal is relevance

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Good morning, Marketers, and what is the best way to personalize your messaging in 2022?

It might be different this year than in recent years. Everybody is different, of course (that’s why marketers personalize). But there are indications that more consumers across the board are leery of the data that’s out there about them.

One solution to these concerns is a more transparent conversation about the data and how it is used. Another solution is more data. It doesn’t necessarily have to be more personal data – it can be contextual and predictive in nature. But the goal for any personalized messaging, now more than ever, is relevance.

Relevance, helpfulness…value. The value exchange with the consumer has to overcome any marginal, or more troubling, concerns over privacy.

Chris Wood,


Quote of the day: “Web3 treats individuals as owners not as products,” Charlie Silver, CEO, PermissionIO

About The Author

Chris Wood draws on over 15 years of reporting experience as a B2B editor and journalist. At DMN, he served as associate editor, offering original analysis on the evolving marketing tech landscape. He has interviewed leaders in tech and policy, from Canva CEO Melanie Perkins, to former Cisco CEO John Chambers, and Vivek Kundra, appointed by Barack Obama as the country’s first federal CIO. He is especially interested in how new technologies, including voice and blockchain, are disrupting the marketing world as we know it. In 2019, he moderated a panel on “innovation theater” at Fintech Inn, in Vilnius. In addition to his marketing-focused reporting in industry trades like Robotics Trends, Modern Brewery Age and AdNation News, Wood has also written for KIRKUS, and contributes fiction, criticism and poetry to several leading book blogs. He studied English at Fairfield University, and was born in Springfield, Massachusetts. He lives in New York.

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