Good news for Romanian retirees. The Minister of Finance announces another change, in addition to increasing pensions

There has been a lot of talk in public about the increase in pensions in recent times, but officials have refrained from giving a concrete deadline for this to happen.

What happens to next year’s pensions

Now, good news is announced for pensioners in Romania. The Minister of Finance announces another change, in addition to increasing pensions. Pensions will increase from 1 January 2022, according to official statements. The pension point will be correlated with inflation, but also with the increase of the minimum gross wage in the economy.

“It’s complicated. We have a trajectory agreed with the European Commission in relation to the budget deficit. If we have problems with the budget deficit, then the problems will be even bigger because, in fact, the budget deficit means that you are borrowing more and more money to cover the cost we have with pensions. From my point of view, a balance must be found and you realize that by discussing politics you want to increase your pensions as much as possible because that means including an electoral gain, but it is also a responsibility to be able to pay them. We want that law (no. Pension Law) to be complied with as soon as possible, but that also means having the money. For the time being, we cannot afford such an increase “, Dan Vîlceanu declared in an interview.

How much will pensions increase

The Minister of Finance stated that this is an increase of 6-7% starting with the first day of next year. Dan Vîlceanu said that the option confirmed by the Ministry of Finance is the indexation of pensions from January 1 with the inflation rate, but also with half of the real increase of the average gross salary.

“And with half of the average gross salary in the economy, because that was and that is still one of the rules in the law. As a percentage, if we take into account the inflation in 2019, because that is taken into account now, maybe 6-7%, let’s see how exactly it will be when we make these calculations “, said the minister.

Prime Minister Florin Cîțu recently stated that from January 1, 2022, the old system of will increase pension , in relation to the increase in the average gross salary in the economy and inflation.

“From January 1, 2022, pensions will be increased in relation to inflation and the increase of the minimum gross wage in the economy. We return to the legislation that said that pensions increase annually , transparent, with the inflation rate and 50% of the increase of the average gross salary “, said Florin Cîţu.

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