Google adds a very futuristic new feature in Android Auto but not for everyone

The intention of the Sundar Pichai company is that we can pay for gasoline from the car itself through a voice command, intervening Android Auto and Google Pay. This is how it will work.

The search for the smart car is something that requires years and, above all, trial and error. Since many advances do not fit into the motor world and vice versa.

That a car is electric seems a step that we already have completely mastered, now we are going for autonomous cars, which are resisting a little more, and along the way we have turned our vehicles into smart rooms thanks to our mobile.

Android Auto is responsible for equipping to our car of certain intelligence, and although its options are limited on a day-to-day basis, it is of great help: it looks for the best route home, selects our music list and allows us to call while we drive.

Well, following that path between true intelligence ( that will come with Automotive ) and practicality, the folks at Google are testing a new feature that would allow us to pay for gas without even getting out of the car.

The idea is that drivers, once they have refueled, can give it a Voice command to your car with Android Auto, so that the Google assistant does the rest . As just saying “ Hey Google, pay for gas ” would start the process, the next step being to say the pump number aloud .

That way we would be charged the amount of the refueling without having to get out of the car, or use the card. All this it would work thanks to Google Play, the Google Assistant and Android Auto, so it would remain within the Android ecosystem .

What you should know is that This new feature is not available globally, only in the United States. And of course, it would only be offered through a series of very specific gas stations , which have agreed to participate in the experiment.

The long-term objective is to expand their availability, so we should not be surprised if in a couple of years we begin to be able to pay for gasoline in Spain from the same driver’s seat.

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