Google Humiliates Bing – Guess What People Are Searching For?

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Google faces a $5 billion fine and around To get around that, it uses Bing as adamantly as a humiliating example.

Although several major companies are making a bid, there is only one search engine king and that is of course Google. If there is still any doubt about that, Google has a fun fact for you. What is the most searched word in Microsoft’s search engine Bing? According to lawyers at Google, that is unambiguously, undeniably, clearly the word ‘Google’. And that fact could save the search giant a lot of money.

Google vs Bing

Google uses Microsoft’s Bing as an example to avoid a $5 billion fine , so explains Bloomberg. The European Union alleged in 2018 that the search giant wrongly put forward its own search engine for Android users. In this way, Google would have created a search monopoly.

No, says Google, we are just very popular. To underline that statement, lawyers for the multi-billion dollar company sought out what people were looking for via Bing. Without any competition, that was the word ‘Google’. This implies that Google is simply incredibly popular, whether it is the default search engine or not.

People use Google because they choose to, not because they are forced to. Google’s market share of the search market is consistent with consumer surveys showing that 95% of users prefer Google over rival search engines.

Read also: Microsoft thinks it can beat Google with Bing

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