Google Pixel Phones Have a Vulnerability That Can Give Hackers High-Level Device Access

  • Cybersecurity firm iVerify found a vulnerability in Google Pixel apps that has existed since 2017 and could be affecting millions of users.
  • The vulnerability was found in a pre-installed app called Showcase.apk that was used for turning on the demo mode in the device for in-store displays.
  • The vulnerability has already been addressed by Google and it said that a patch is on the way.

Pixel Phones’ Vulnerability Can Give Hackers High-Level Access

A serious vulnerability has been discovered in a pre-installed Google Pixel app that could affect millions of users. The discovery was made by cybersecurity firm iVerify who published a complete report on it.

The vulnerability lies within a pre-installed Android app called Showcase.apk developed by Smith Micro. It was used to enable demo mode in devices for in-store display.

Initially not a part of the Android firmware, it was later embedded in it at the request of Verizon (the mobile carrier).

The app is very powerful with high system privileges. If compromised, threat actors can use it to execute remote codes or install malicious packages on the device.

However, before this app can be compromised, there needs to be an entry point. This entry point is provided by the way Showcase.apk communicates with its host.

‘“The application downloads a configuration file over an insecure connection and can be manipulated to execute code at the system level’ – iVerify’s report

In simple terms, the app retrieves its configuration file from a single US-based domain hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) over an unsecured HTTP connection. This insecure connection makes the files in transit vulnerable to interception, thus risking the device.

Google Is Already Working on a Fix

The vulnerability is present in many devices that have been shipped since 2017. So the total number of users at risk could be in the millions. But the good news is, a fix is already underway.

  • Google has addressed the issue and said that it will soon release a patch for all “supported in-market Pixel devices” in a few weeks.
  • This doesn’t include the Pixel 9 series because when tested, none of the four models in the series had this vulnerability.
  • Verizon has also been notified about the vulnerability. Although it no longer uses the app and didn’t get any evidence of ongoing exploitation, it has still decided to remove the function from all the devices it supports just to be extra safe.
  • Lastly, Google also said that this isn’t an issue with Pixel phones or Android. The problem lies with Smith Micro.
  • So Google has also decided to notify other Android manufacturers since third-party devices might also have this problem.

The good news – so far there is no indication that the vulnerability has been exploited. It’s probably because no threat actors are aware of it or because the app is not enabled by default.

But now that the news is public, let’s just hope that Google’s fix reaches before any malicious actor can exploit the flaw.

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0 cnBeta.COM   2022-01-31 13:18:57 摘要:NASA的海洋融化格陵兰(OMG)任务将于2021年12月31日结束,最重要的事情可能是它的名字:OMG证明,海水融化格陵兰冰川的程度至少跟暖空气从上面融化冰川的程度相同。 由于格陵兰岛冰层的冰损失目前对全球海洋上升的贡献超过了任何其他单一来源,这一发现彻底改变了科学家对未来几十年海平面上升速度的理解。这些独特的新测量结果已经明确了未来冰层流失的可能进度,在这个地方,今天冰川融化的速度是仅仅25年前的六到七倍。如果格陵兰岛的冰层全部融化,那么全球海平面将上升约24英尺(7.4米)。但这只是这个以飞机和船只为基础的小型任务故事的冰山一角。在六年的运作中,OMG沿着北半球最偏远的海岸线的许多英里进行了首次科学测量。该任务对格陵兰岛海岸线周围的海底进行了最完整的调查,其中包括几十个以前未知的峡湾并测量了海洋温度在不同地方、不同年份、不同顶部和底部的变化。为了获得这个独特的数据集,任务飞机在格陵兰岛周围和上空记录了足够的飞行里程。准备工作据悉,超220条冰川从格陵兰岛流向海洋。在OMG之前,科学家们认为在这些冰川周围和下面旋转的海水必须对它们的冰层流失起作用。但究竟有多少呢?卫星对海洋表面温度的观测对回答这个问题没有什么帮助。在格陵兰岛周围,海洋的顶层非常冷且盐度不高,并含有大量来自北极的水,这些都是最新鲜的海洋。而只接触到这一层的浅层冰川会慢慢融化。但在数百英尺以下,海洋更温暖、更咸。深层冰川会被更温暖的水侵蚀,失去冰块的速度是浅层冰川的四到五倍。查明任何冰川风险的唯一方法就是去格陵兰岛测量冰川及其前面的海底和水。科学家们多年来一直以这种方式研究个别冰川,但南加州NASA喷气推进实验室的OMG首席调查员Josh Willis希望获得完整的情况:对所有220多条冰川展开为期五年的测量。“当我们开始设计OMG时,我们问自己,‘我们能否在五年内做一个实验,告诉我们未来50年的情况?’”,Willis说道。结果证明,他们可以。NASA甚至允许他们进行第六年的实地考察以观察格陵兰岛西海岸附近水温的意外快速波动。行动该任务的第一项工作是绘制该岛周围的海底图以了解深层、温暖的水可以到达哪里。一个承包商通过一艘研究船完成了大部分的测绘工作。OMG副首席研究员、JPL和加州大学欧文分校的Eric Rignot则负责在接下来的几年里领导了较小的调查以填补缺失的部分。为了测量一直到海底的海洋温度和盐度,Willis开展了夏季机载活动,每年在整个海岸线的战略位置向海洋投放约250个探测器。在遥远的北极上空飞行六个夏天听起来更像是一次冒险而非一个研究项目,但Willis表示:“这只是在回想中的冒险。当你在其中时,你低着头,尽可能地努力工作。”OMG收集的详细地图和温度数据显示,两到四倍的冰川坐落在比以前想象的温度高几度的水中,因此,其风险比任何人都要高。研究人员了解到,格陵兰岛约1/3的冰川占其冰雪损失的一半;OMG则发现,所有这些罪魁祸首都可深入到温暖的海水中。而没有考虑到暖水影响的气候模型至少低估了冰川损失的两倍--换言之,错过了这个来源的一半的海平面上升。合作除了海洋学之外,OMG的突破性数据还影响了许多种类的北极研究。如华盛顿大学的Kristin Laidre是国际知名的独角鲸专家,独角鲸是具有獠牙般突起的北极鲸。她和JPL的OMG联合首席调查员Ian Fenty开发了一个对海洋生物学家和海洋学家都有好处的项目:进行研究巡航以放置OMG探测器和声学探测仪,进而记录西格陵兰冰川前独角鲸的存在。探测器的数据提供了一个小区域内海洋条件变化的特写视图。Laidre希望,结合测深仪的数据,这将有助于解释某些冰川前沿对独角鲸特别有吸引力的原因。她说道:“我们生物学家通过跟物理科学家合作可以更好地了解动物和种群。”延续任务的结束并不意味着来自格陵兰海洋的所有新数据的结束。2021年,该团队在海洋温度或环流的变化尚未完全了解的地区投放了一些寿命较长的探测器。这些探测器在海面下“过冬”并继续在水中上下晃动以收集数据,这些数据将在明年夏天冰层融化时被远程读取。许多领域的科学家将继续利用OMG的观测数据进行研究。迄今为止,约有一半使用这些数据的同行评审期刊文章是由该任务的科学团队以外的研究人员撰写的--这是一个不同寻常的大比例。Willis说道:“我们看到了比我们最初计划的更多的科学。这些论文是不会停止的。”
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