Google starts selling refurbished Pixel phones

Lawrence Bonk

Google now offers refurbished Pixel phones, as originally spotted by The Verge. The company is selling refurbed Pixel 6, Pixel 6A and Pixel 7 handsets directly on the Google Store. The phones can be purchased for up to 40 percent off, when compared to new models. Each smartphone ships with the same 1-year limited warranty and customer support options as a new model.

Google says that each refurbished handset has been “carefully inspected” to ensure that the phones, screens and batteries are all in tip-top shape. However, a company representative offered no guarantees regarding battery life in a statement to The Verge. Phone batteries age like people. Slowly at first and then all at once.

However, the prices are enticing. The Pixel 6 is available for $339, instead of $599, while the well-reviewed Pixel 7 Pro is $629 instead of $899. All of these refurbished models offer 128GB of storage, but Google spokesperson Patrick Seybold says that the store will soon offer other storage tiers.

Each phone ships with the latest Android software, which is a nice touch, and comes with a compatible charger. There’s also free shipping.

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