Google’s Tensor G5 processor to enter tape-out stage, manufactured with TSMC’s 3nm process

Google plans to release the tenth generation of its Pixel series smartphones next year, featuring the Tensor G5 processor manufactured using TSMC’s 3nm process technology. Latest reports indicate that the Tensor G5 processor development is progressing smoothly and is nearing the tape-out stage. The Tensor G5 is Google’s first fully self-developed mobile processor, whereas the previous four generations of Tensor processors were modified versions of Samsung Exynos. The latest Tensor G5, manufactured using TSMC’s advanced 3nm process, is expected to significantly boost performance, the report said. Additionally, the Tensor G5 processor promises to enable Google to achieve comprehensive control from the processor to the operating system, applications, and devices, further enhancing the software-hardware synergy of the Pixel series smartphones.[[Icsmart, in Chinese]

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