Government Pursuing Policies to Harness Cultural Asset Potential

The government is putting in place a solid institutional framework that will protect and promote the country’s rich and diverse traditions.

President William Ruto said cultural assets will be instrumental in enhancing cohesion and stimulating economic growth.

He noted that focus on culture will propel cultural industries, creative economy and tourism and expand opportunities for the youth.

“Our Plan identifies the creative economy as well as culture and heritage to be highly promising drivers of transformation and employment creation,” he said.

To achieve this, President Ruto said, the Government is implementing robust legislative bills including the Culture Bill that was approved by the Cabinet last week.

“Others like the Creative Economy Framework, National Kiswahili Council of Kenya Bill, the Kenya Film Bill, the National Heritage and Museums Bill, are currently being developed,” he said.

He made the remarks during the Turkana Cultural and Tourism Festival (Tobong’u Lore) in Lodwar town, which brought together members of the community from South Sudan, Uganda and Ethiopia.

The President observed that the festival has promoted peace and security and deepened regional integration and cooperation.

President Ruto said the Government will spend Ksh 800 million to enhance electricity connectivity in Turkana County, to spur economic growth.

The National Police Reserve (NPR), he added, will help police officers manage the security of the region.

“We cannot allow a few people to cause insecurity and derail our development agenda,” he said.

The Head of State said three new sub-counties, Suguta, Lokiriama and Aroo, will be established in the county.

Present were Cabinet Secretaries Alfred Mutua and Aisha Jumwa, Governors Jeremiah Lomorukai (Turkana), Jonathan Bii (Uasin Gishu) and Mohammud Ali (Marsabit), MPs and a host of MCAs and other dignitaries.

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