Grabbed by the bosom: Emily Ratajkowski accuses Robin Thicke

Monday, October 4th, 2021

Grabbed by the bosom Emily Ratajkowski accuses Robin Thicke


After this Robin Thicke is said to have grabbed Emily Ratajkowski’s breasts for “Blurred Lines”.

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In 2013 Robin Thicke had a hit with his song “Blurred Lines”. Emily Ratajkowski plays in the sensational video. Now the model raises serious allegations against the singer. He is said to have groped her after the shooting.

More than It’s been eight years since Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams produced the song “Blurred Lines”. It then became a hit, probably also because of the hot video that was published for it. Among other things, model Emily Ratajkowski could be seen little dressed. The now 30-year-old is now making serious allegations against Thicke. He is said to have sexually assaulted her after filming.

In the clip, Ratajkowski dances through the picture with two other models with sometimes more, sometimes less clothes. In between, Thicke, Williams and the rapper TI, who is also involved in the song, move so far, so hot. As Ratajkowski describes in her recently published book “My Body”, the sexual assault occurred after the shoot: “Suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt the coolness of a stranger’s hands, mine bare breasts from behind. I instinctively stepped back and looked back at Robin Thicke, “she begins her remarks.

He is said to have been drunk

It goes on: “He grinned silly and stumbled backwards, his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses. My head turned into the darkness away from the set. Director Diane Martel’s voice cracked when she called out to me: ‘Are you okay?’ I put my chin out and shrugged, avoiding eye contact, and felt the heat of humiliation surge through my body. ” She didn’t react – “not really, not the way I should have done.”


The “Sunday Times of London” then asked director Diane Martel, who confirmed the incident: “I remember that Moment when he grabbed her breasts, “she is quoted there. “One in each hand. He was standing behind her. I yelled in my very aggressive Brooklyn voice, ‘What the hell are you doing, that’s it! The shoot is over!'” She also reports that Thicke was drunk, got herself apologized and seemed “contrite”. “I don’t think he would have done that if he’d been sober,” said Martel. But that’s certainly not an excuse for his behavior.

Pharrell Williams had already distanced himself from the song itself in 2019. “Blurred Lines” is sexist and no longer fits into the times of #MeToo, he said. The text – especially presented by a man – is not acceptable. “And it doesn’t matter whether it reflects my behavior or how I really think about things. It is only important how it is perceived by women,” says the musician.

Source:, nan


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