Grigor Dimitrov qualified for the 1/2 finals of the tournament in Melbourne

In the first set of Rod Laver Arina, the two exchanged one break before entering the tiebreak, which was equal, but with a score of 5-5 Van de Zandshulp won two consecutive points and led in the result. Grigor answered appropriately in the second half, in which he did not give a single game to his opponent.

In the decisive third set, the Dutchman tried and pulled 5-2, as in 5- 3 had two consecutive matchballs on their own serve, but Dimitrov showed character and class to win two long playoffs (12 and 14 shots) and return the breakthrough, then 5-5 won in a marathon game, which went through 9 draws before to close the match on his own serve after two hours and 45 minutes of play.

For a place in the final tomorrow Dimitrov will face the US qualifier Maxim Cressy, who defeated the Spaniard Haume Munar with 7-6 (3), 6-4. This will be the first match between Grisho and the 112th in the world Cressy.


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