Guzzanti insults the robes: “Lucano? Lurid sentence”

October 1, 2021 – 12:31 pm

There are accusations from the left on the judges who sentenced Mimmo Lucano to 13 years in prison: in the front row Sabina Guzzanti

La Guzzanti insulta le toghe:

The Italian hypocrisy in these hours is reaching its peak after the conviction of Mimmo Lucano , with the avalanche of messages in his favor from the good guys (or the do-gooders), the same ones who rejoice when an antagonist gets tangled up in the plots of the law. The former mayor of Riace was sentenced to 13 years in prison due to the sum of several counts relating to immigration. The “Riace model” much exalted and praised by the left revealed on trial its numerous gray areas, which were the cause of the sentence . Mimmo Lucano is accused of criminal association responsible for abuse of office, fraud, extortion, embezzlement, auction disruption, ideological falsehood and aiding and abetting illegal immigration.

According to the magistrates, therefore, Mimmo Lucano would have used some expedients to circumvent the laws and facilitate the entry of migrants to create a model of reception which was considered praiseworthy by many parts. Driven by ideological reasons, which do not take into account the legal aspects, now the leftists are squading around Mimmo Lucano. It is enough to read some comments that can be found on the net to understand what the thinking of a certain political party is in these hours. “ Yes, maybe he did something but he did it for a good purpose and he is a saint “, thus the opinion of a certain part of Italians can be summarized. People known and unknown in these hours are giving free rein to their anger for the condemnation of their favorite and are waiting impatiently for the reasons for the sentence, knowing full well that there will be at least another degree of judgment.

Among the well-known personalities who have expressed their idea regarding the condemnation of Mimmo Lucano there is also Sabina Guzzanti , actress notoriously lined up on the left, who without half measures entered with her leg stretched against the togas with a tweet: “ Solidarity with Mimmo Lucano. Citizens have every right to comment on the sentences, this is one of the most filthy I can remember “. Anyone familiar with the social network warp of recent years is not surprised that what Sabina Guzzanti said has received widespread approval. However, fortunately, someone begins to open their eyes and in the dense web of solidarity that has been created around the former mayor of Riace, there are those who begin to insinuate some questions: why justice is good when it condemns opponents and is bad only when it condemns friends?

Solidarity to # MimmoLucano citizens have every right to comment on the sentences, this is one of the dirtiest I can remember

– SabinaGuzzanti (@SabinaGuzzanti) September 30, 2021

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