Halo Infinite Developer 343 Industries Is ‘Focused on Reducing Pricing’ for In-Game Items

343 Industries has confirmed that it is gearing up to make some changes to Halo Infinite‘s in-game store, including reducing prices, improving bundles, putting individual items outside of certain bundles, and much more.

343’s Head of Design Jerry Hook shared the news on Twitter, saying that the team is going to begin implementing these changes on Tuesday, January 18, and they will continue to monitor and try new things throughout the remainder of Halo Infinite mutliplayer’s first season.

“We’ve been monitoring the discussions on the Shop, bundles, and pricing closely since launch,” Hook wrote. “Using data and community feedback, we’re going to begin rolling out changes to how we package and price items in @Halo Infinite – and it all starts next week.

“Starting Tuesday, the Shop experience will vary week-to-week. We are focused on reducing pricing across the board, providing stronger values in our bundles, starting to put individual items outside of bundles, and more.

“We will be trying new things throughout the rest of the season so that we can continue to learn and improve for the future. Please keep the feedback coming during this process and I hope to see you all next week for the Cyber Showdown event!”

Have you played Halo Infinite?

While Hook didn’t go into further detail as to how much these prices will be reduced and what other types of changes we can expect, we won’t have long to wait to see some of them put into action.

This is another example of 343 Industries communicating with the Halo Infinite community and committing to improvements, much like it did – and is still doing – for the Battle Pass, multiplayer progression, and lack of a dedicated Slayer playlist.

Halo Infinite’s shop isn’t the only focus of next week, as 343 has also promised that a fix for the Big Team Battle matchmaking bug is on the way that will hopefully solve the many issues players have been running into.

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Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.

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