Halo Infinite: Flurry of kills with maximum graphics, OUR PC gameplay

It’s Monday, October 4, 2021, and the Halo Infinite beta officially ended yesterday. So now is the time to take stock, quietly, with a homemade video that you will give us some news about ..

During these two weekends of fierce fighting, we could see what the multiplayer of Halo Infinite had in the belly, both aesthetically and in terms of gameplay. One thing is certain, this “Halo cru 2021” will have little chance of disappointing. Because yes, the essence of what made the success of the license is still present , even with the many new features that enrich the gameplay without however denature it. Regarding the graphics, since this is a cross-gen game designed to run on a 2013 Xbox One, in this home video captured on PC, no miracle, you will not see a graphic slap. However, it is worth remembering that this is a beta and that improvements may appear when the game is released. THE TEST PC CONFIGURATION:

  • Processor : i9 9900K
  • Graphics card : RTX 3090 ROG STRIX O24G GAMING
  • Memory : 16 GB of RAM

Regarding the optimization, the rate of 120fps did not flinch in “ultra” graphics configuration and in native 4K with an RTX 3090, it’s all good . Finally, know that Halo Infinite is coming to Xbox and PC on December 8 if the god of postponement does not come up to the tip of his nose. With that, good viewing!

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