Handing out yellow cards for Lampang MPs for vote-buying reasons Chong the court to order new elections

On January 15, 2022 at 10:10 am

Election Commission issued a yellow card “Wattana Sittiwang “Lampang MPs, PPC Chong the Supreme Court to order new elections. ready for criminal prosecution The reason for buying votes for “Thammanat” survived the knot promised to give – use his position to help campaign In the case of a resolution to submit a request to the Supreme Court to order an election of Lampang MPs The new 4th constituency replaces Mr. Wattana Sitthiwang, MP for the Pracharath Party. According to the Act on Election of MPs, 2018, Section 133 and criminal prosecution against Mrs. Kiangma Pupako in accordance with Section 73 (1) in conjunction with Section 158 of the same law

from In the case of the Election Commission, the Election Commission found that on June 19, 2020, at the home of the electorate, Lom Rad Subdistrict, Thoen District, Lampang Province, Nang Kiang Ma gave two sets of banknotes sewn together, 300 baht each. To the real voters

from the investigation of the Election Commission. It was found that on June 19, 2020, at the home of the electorate Lom Rae Subdistrict, Thoen District, Lampang Province, Nang Kiangma gave 2 sets of 300 baht per set of banknotes sewn together to the real voters. by checking the video clip accompanying the request which is a conversation between Mrs. Kiang Ma with voters Mrs. Kiangma said that “Leave it to my mother,” and the electorate asked, “What number?” Mrs. Kiang Ma replied, “Number 1,” with her hand raising her hand as the number 1 symbol, without mentioning the payment of food. As Ms Kiang Ma claimed, again from the interrogation, the mother of the electorate confirmed that the 600 baht banknote was not the food Ms Kiang had hired her to deliver to Ms Kiang Ma’s younger brother. Ms Kiang Ma came to inquire about the number of voters in the house and the elector’s mother had given her personal identification number and her son and Mrs Kiang came before the cook was hired. Such facts can be heard that Ms Kiang gave 600 baht to the voters in order to incentivize them to vote for Mr. Wattana according to the allegations. Therefore, it is evidence to believe that Mrs Kiang came, made an offer, promised to give. or will be prepared to give any other beneficial assets which may be calculated in money to anyone in order to incentivize the voters to vote for Mr. Wattana which is a violation of the Act on the election of members of the House of Representatives 61 Section 73 (1) by Mr. Wattana benefited in the election from the actions of Mrs. Kiangma. As a result, the election of MPs in the 4th constituency of Lampang Province to replace the vacant position on June 20, 2020 was not conducted honestly

, in this case, it is an investigation. at the request of Pol Gen Sereepisuth Temeiyawes, leader of the Seri Ruam Thai Party, and Pol Lt. Col. Somboon Klapatjon, a candidate for the Seri Ruea Thai Party at the time. The petition was filed after the election and a video recording of the vote-buying event was sent as evidence to the Election Commission

. In the part where there was complaint that Capt. Thammanat Promphao, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives at that time, used his position wrongly as a punishment for the applicant. Promise to give the property an incentive. to choose Mr. Wattana, a total of 4 allegations The Election Commission considers that the facts cannot be heard that Capt. Thammanat has acted as accused. Therefore, it was resolved to dismiss the request

in full order. https://www.ect.go.th/ect_th/download/article/article_20211203151324.pdf

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