Hard to believe case from the Czech Republic: A mother sold her son (6) to a man who made him an ashtray

Illustrative image Photo: shutterstock / Just dance

The Regional Court in Brno is dealing with an extremely unusual case of an abused boy. At the age of six, his mother sold him for 100,000 crowns to a lonely man who, according to the public prosecutor’s office, mistreated him, writes the Novinky portal .
According to the boy, this caused irreversible wounds to the boy’s soul. The man faces a five-year prison sentence for endangering the child’s upbringing. The boy is currently in the care of his biological grandmother. The case dates back to 2016, when a woman was sentenced to 42 months in prison for selling her son and other drug offenses. At the time, the buyer claimed in interviews with the Czech media that he had taken the boy in order to give him a chance at a better life. However, according to the indictment, this did not happen and the boys’ mental condition, on the contrary, worsened. “The boy used to live with his mother in the shelter. He didn’t even have a first name until 4 and a half years. He only knew how to steal and destroy things. Now he goes to the mountains and the sea, he has learned to eat properly, he goes to circles, “said the surrogate father. However, based on their findings, the prosecution claims something else. “The defendant did not supervise the boy’s hygiene and the development of sufficient habits, so the boy went dirty and smelled. In addition, he did not provide him with food appropriate to his age and needs, so he was hungry. In addition, he used vulgar expressions in his presence, cursing him, so the boy took it over into his dictionary, “the public prosecutor said in court. However, this does not end the summary of offenses. The prosecution stated that the man slapped the boy regularly and in at least one case beat him with a dog leash. “During the game, he forced him to turn an ashtray out of his hands and knock cigarette ash on it. Disproportionately, his boy’s age exposed him to litigation, initiated him into disputes and led him to various proceedings, “the plaintiff continued. Everything rolled over, especially because the boy neglected compulsory schooling. The man eventually took him away and ended up in an orphanage, from where his biological grandmother, with whom he still lives, took him to him. “He was harmed by his self-concept with a confused personal identity, depressive states with self-harm and suicidal thoughts,” the prosecutor concluded. A judge in his fifties with the extravagant appearance of a bohemian stood before the judge. The fact that he is a special person is evidenced by the fact that he rejected his family name and his new name imitates belonging to a noble family. Although a trained waiter, she presented herself in court as a builder of modern homes. “I am sorry about the whole matter, but I was surprised, especially by the boy. His family, which did not show interest in him, is not trustworthy. The accusations are not only true, but also according to my friends. He wasn’t dirty, he only had long hair, but that was at his request. I am convinced that he was not hungry, there was always enough food in our country, “the defendant said during a dramatic speech in court. The forensic expert issued a bad certificate to his educational methods. According to her, the man acquired the boy at a time when he was already “damaged” by living with his mother. However, if he received love and understanding, the scars on his soul could slowly heal. “It simply came to our notice then. The boy went into the care of the man who obtained it in the form of a business. He exposed him to resistance to his mother, whatever it was. His identity has changed. These are crucial and damaging steps. I do not know if the defendant had the capacity to love the child, I do not know his motives, but I am inclined to the fact that in his care the damage deepened and the devastation of the personality was not remedied. During my 40 years of practice, I have not encountered such a large-scale change in the child’s identity, “said the expert.

The hard-to-believe case will continue.Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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