Has a patient with pneumothorax been refused the right to be operated on because he was not vaccinated?

VACCINAL PASS – A video that went viral this Friday claims that Mikaël Rasteiro, a patient with pneumothorax, was refused the right to be operated on at the Private Hospital of Antony for lack of vaccination against Covid-19. The establishment denounces “false information”.

Felicia Sideris –

It’s in front of the camera, on social networks, that he wanted to warn about the “imminent danger” who is watching him. This Friday, January 14, a young man, Mikaël Rasteiro, said on the Facebook page of a notorious yellow vest and anti-vaccine that he did not have access to the care necessary to treat his pneumothorax because of his vaccination status. A video seen more than a million times before being deleted, but published on many other social networks, including Twitter. Particularly shared by an account accustomed to false information, it was viewed by 71,000 Internet users. Among them, some wished to warn about this situation. So much so that she ended up attracting the attention of Fabrice Di Vizio, the favorite lawyer of the anti-vax. But what really happened?All the info onThe info screened

A “non-urgent” operation postponed due to Covid-19

In this sequence has become viral

, the young man presents the calendar of events. Following two pneumothoraxes, a pulmonologist consulted on December 22 advised him to do thoracic surgery. He then made an appointment from December 30 at the Private Hospital of Antony, in the Hauts-de-Seine, with a surgeon. Only, “when she knew” that he was not vaccinated, “she simply decided” not to operate it. “She told me that I absolutely had to take the treatment in complete diagram “, throws the young man to ” Oliv Oliv”, the author of the video followed by 242,200 followers of these anti-vaccine and anti-restriction ideas. Proof for the two men, a document presented to the camera without the text being readable.

The specialist cited by Mikaël Rasteiro practices well in thoracic surgery, in Antony, and in particular at the Private Hospital. If the establishment was unable to “comment on the specific case of this patient” for obvious reasons of professional secrecy, he describes to LCI.fr facts radically different from those exposed on social networks. According to the surgeon concerned as well as the President of the Medical Committee of the private hospital of Antony, the patient saw his operation postponed. But this decision has no connection with his vaccination status. As for too many French people, it is in fact linked to the current epidemic situation

. In this establishment, certain interventions deemed “non-urgent” are effectively postponed. This was the case for this young man. “The patient did not indeed present a vital emergency, hence the decision to postpone the surgery”, explains the hospital to us. “This type of decision allows Ramsay Santé to reconcile vital patient emergencies and scheduled care.” With LCI.fr, the establishment confirms that, as everywhere in France, all patients are taken care of, regardless of their status. vaccine.A defamation complaint filed

If his anti-vaccine opinions did not influence the surgeon’s decision, what is Mikaël Rasteiro referring to in his video? And what is this document that he presents? In fact, the health professional simply tried to convince him that his lack of protection “could constitute a risk if he had to be hospitalized” due to his medical history. “The situation was explained to her at length and the surgeon gave her what to do in the event of a recurrence, telling her that she would operate on it. in an emergency if he needed it”, specifies the hospital. “All of this was notified to him in writing at the end of the consultation.”

This is not However, it is not this document that the Internet user presents to the camera, but that of a second surgeon, who gave him the same medical opinion. In this letter, the second professional absolutely does not affirm that the patient cannot be taken care of, but confirms the character “not urgent” of the intervention. And “encourages” the patient too “to get vaccinated”.

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Contrary to what the young man claims, his operation was therefore not refused to him because of his vaccination status . He was simply “encouraged” to get immunized . With LCI.fr, the establishment denounces a “false information” and also announces that a defamation complaint has been filed by the surgeon concerned. Do you want to ask us questions or submit information that you do not believe is reliable? Do not hesitate to write to us at lesverifiés@tf1.fr. You can also find us on Twitter: our team is present there behind the account @verif_TF1LCI.

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