Hats off to a farmer turned milliner creating sun-safe options for outback women

A cattle farm in rural Queensland is a far cry from the runways of Paris, but farmer Trudie Payne is matching it with some of the world’s most recognised milliners to make hand-crafted hats from her property in Eidsvold.

Key points:

  • A skin cancer scare inspired a cattle farmer to make sun-safe hats for outback women
  • 472 Australian women died from melanoma in the past year
  • Ms Payne is working with international milliners from her property in Eidsvold

She is on a mission to give outback women practical headwear that feels like high fashion after a health scare prompted her to fill a gap in the market.

“Three years ago I was diagnosed with an aggressive melanoma so that has really pushed me forward to be able to provide country women with decent, sun protective hats,” Ms Payne said.

“So I like to make a wide-brimmed hat.”

The Australian government says more than 7,000 women were diagnosed with melanoma of the skin in 2021, while skin cancer claimed the lives of 472 women last year across the country.

A straw hat with a multi colour ribbon wrapped around it

Ms Payne says millinery has given her a creative outlet from life on the farm. (ABC Wide Bay: Lucy Loram)

Through cancer treatment and drought woes, Ms Payne said millinery has been an emotional outlet from life on the farm.

“It was a bit tough during the recent drought because I had to be feeding cattle every second day,” Ms Payne said.

“It’s been so wonderful for my mental health.

Paris, London, Eidsvold

Ms Payne discovered her knack for millinery through the country racing circuit.

“Over the past 20 years I’ve been entering fashions of the field with local country racing. I’ve travelled interstate, as well as to Brisbane and Cairns, to the races,” she said.

“I was creating outfits and paying milliners for my headpieces and then one day I thought ‘perhaps I could learn to do this myself’.”

Woman in pink shirt and red glasses adjusts hat on stand

Ms Payne says her business is in high demand from women wanting accessories for country races. (ABC Wide Bay: Lucy Loram)

Three years on and Ms Payne has continued to network online with some of the industry’s finest milliners.

“It’s mainly via social media that I’ve actually been able to access international milliners and learn different skills — from a leather flower to a handmade silk flower, straw, felt, just about everything,” she said.

Fashions on the field

Rural community group Women in the North Burnett has thrown its support behind Ms Payne with business booming over the past six months.

“During the last racing season I dressed quite a few people and made their headpieces,” she said.

A grey felt hat with a blue bow around it

Ms Payne says there should be more wide brim, fashionable hat options available for country women. (ABC Wide Bay: Lucy Loram)

Ms Payne said she was now looking to expand the business to meet demand.

“I think I’ve convinced my husband to build me a bigger space. I’m currently working out of the rooms in the house,” Ms Payne said.

“It’s exciting but also a bit nerve wracking because I’ve got to help my husband with running the cattle property and our two kids.

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