He doesn't say a word, but he still enjoys the whole world. He started with videos in the nursery, now TikToku is the most popular man

Entertaining people on a long-term and effective level may seem almost impossible today. However, entertaining the whole world without saying a word and gaining the attention of hundreds of millions of people in less than a year requires a great deal of exceptionality. And this is exactly the story of Khaby Lame, who only got on social networks because he was fired for covid.

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the world hard and affected millions of people. Due to the rapid spread of the disease and low knowledge of the virus, the reaction of most states was the same – lockdown. In Europe, at the beginning of 2020, Italy, especially its northern part, was ranked among the worst outbreaks. Hospitals did not cope with the influx of patients, all cultural events were interrupted. Many factories and companies reduced the number of employees, redundancies began. A young man Khabane Lame was also fired from the factory production of CNC machines at that time.

With the arrival of his 20th birthday, the young man remained in March 2020 without work. From the factory, he returned to his parents’ house in the Chivasso metropolitan area, located about 20 km from Turin. Khaby’s primary job was to actively look for a new job, but the young man instead downloaded the TikTok app to his phone one day, and as they say, the rest is history.

Photo: Profimedia

An Italian from Senegal who mastered the internet

Although Khaby grew up in Italy, where he currently lives and works, his roots go back to Senegal, Africa. Khabane and his family moved to Turin, Italy when he was only 1 year old, and their journey went to public hostels, where people from all over the world were placed who decided to start a new life on the Apennine Peninsula. And it is this experience that is crucial for a viral superstar today, as as a dark-skinned man he often gets questions about racism. “In the beginning, we lived in public accommodation, where there were people of several ethnicities and nationalities. Since we were all in the same situation, we helped each other and protected ourselves. There has never been a problem with racism, ”Lame described his early childhood in an interview with CNN

Lame naturally learned Italian fluently, while in high school he also honed his English. Although he has lived in Italy for 20 years, he still holds only a Senegalese passport, which makes it difficult for him to travel to some foreign countries, such as the USA. However, he said, the process of acquiring Italian citizenship is well under way. from humor, through dance, to educational shortcuts. He registered under the name @ khaby.lame and knew from the beginning what the goal of its content would be. Since at that time he would think about the worldwide success as much as possible in his dreams, Khaby did not make a heavy head of his work. He made a video on which he danced and left the rest to the audience and fans of entertainment on TikTok.

Photo: Profimedia

Khaby Lame has gradually profiled its content and found a really perfect hole in the market. In the videos, he pointed out and still points to complex “lifehacks”, which he transforms into a simple, functional, but still very entertaining point. The first really popular video was about banana peeling, which reached an astronomical 280 million views.

Khaby confirmed that there is beauty in simplicity

So the style of Khaby’s videos hasn’t changed much over time. He focused on “human stupidity” or complicating completely banal life situations, which he always ended in his own way. Another specialty and uniqueness of his work is the fact that he does not talk in his videos. He has no facial expressions and his gestures have made him an absolute superstar who has reached the top of the audience in Italy in one year.

businesswoman Chiara Ferragni. He also has the second most watched account in the world on TikTok (114.6 million followers, author’s note), with only 17-year-old Charli D’Amelio from the United States having more followers, who gains 125.1 million dance videos .

Khaby’s quiet but expressive reactions made him one of the most famous digital creators on social networks. “ Maybe because my facial expressions are fun and make people laugh, this simplicity makes them laugh and I love it,” said for CNN Lame. Christina Ferraz, a well-known marketer from Houston, USA, says that the popularity of Khaby’s videos only shows how non-verbal communication can overcome language barriers and establish connections between cultures. “You don’t have to speak for someone to see or understand you” adds Ferraz

With its number of followers, Khaby is without a doubt one of the most popular personalities in the world, whose gestures have already been adopted by several athletes or actors. However, another view of his fame also appears. Would you be able to build such a fan base without a pandemic and a lockdown? However, looking at his successes in this way is very unfair and, first of all, useless, because his TikTok or Instragram journey started precisely because of the pandemic.

He doesn’t solve money, he makes thousands of euros for one video

Even though Khaby is already For more than a year, he has been able to guard the world-famous figure of show business, information about his family or financial earnings from the curious public. Based on his video production and collaborations with various companies, led by Netflix, the Italian company Barilla, and the Turin football club Juventus, the assets of 21-year-old TikToker are estimated at 860,000 to 1.7 million euros. As celebslifereel adds to this information

, Khaby si through one video or TikTok post, he can earn an average of 17,000 euros.

However, Khabane has these things in his head very well settled. He himself confirmed that his biggest investment so far was buying a new Iphone 12 so that he could shoot better quality videos. “I’m not the type of person to suddenly buy insanely expensive things,” clarified his Khaby’s position on finance.

Photo: Profimedia

When you are famous, you do not know what is happening to you

In a sense, the story of Khabane Lame could be described as a journey a millionaire from a shack, but he never complained or embarrassed about his poor background or the background of his parents. “My success was as shocking to them as it was to the rest of the world. I became quite late to realize that I was famous. And me too. You don’t realize what’s going on with you. My parents never had an exact idea of ​​what I should do in life. They always told me to do a good job and be happy. ” described an emotional relationship with my parents.

Khaby Lame now lives with his agent in Milan. He is invited to the most prestigious events, including the Venice Film Festival. It is watched by over 200 million people on social networks and has great goals for the future. In his own words, he would also like to move into the film business, where he is interested in collaborating with his lifelong role model, actor Will Smith.

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