He loves himself and his body. After the birth of three children, she does not intend to give up her glamorous wardrobe

Sarah Nicole Landry started her blog, which we classify today as promoting body positivity, 12 years ago. At that time, she was a newly minted mother who did not accept extra kilos – a souvenir of pregnancy.

Although she tried many diets, it was difficult for her to lose weight. When she finally achieved the desired effect, she had to be very careful to maintain it. As a result, she was hungry, unhappy, and tired. Then she changed her approach to her own body. She realized that what it looks like does not define her as a human.

Bold photos

Online the blogger began to publish photos of her stretch marks, inelastic skin or rollers. Her Instagram profile was becoming more and more popular. Today she is watched by over 2 million people.

Sarah encourages others to accept her “imperfections”. Every now and then he publishes photos of women on Instagram who have also given themselves permission to be themselves.

Shorts and a heel

Blogger loves fashion. She often shows up in sensual stylizations. He also loves bathing suits in which he is happy to be photographed. In the last photo posted on the net, she showed up in black shorts and knee-high boots. But that’s not all. In the photo gallery she presented how the shorts cut into her thighs. In addition, she showed that the picture taken en face is much more favorable than the one taken from the back.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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