Health Partners International of Canada launches an urgent Ukraine Relief Campaign to send medical aid throughout 2022

OAKVILLE, ON, March 10, 2022 – This week, Health Partners International of Canada (HPIC) announced its commitment to ongoing relief efforts in Ukraine throughout 2022.

“The situation in Ukraine will have long-term effects and we anticipate that the Ukrainian people will continue to need support and aid throughout 2022,” says HPIC President, Lois Brown. “HPIC is committed to providing that support.”

HPIC’s planned response involves sending 400 Humanitarian Medical Kits (a total of 240,000 treatments valued at $2.4 million) to Ukraine and neighbouring refugee settlements throughout the remainder of the year.

To execute this response, HPIC aims to raise $240,000 for all logistical expenses, custom clearances and shipping fees. Since the launch of the campaign on March 9th,HPIC has already seen the community across Canada step up, with 50% of the goal achieved.

On March 4th, HPIC begun to deploy Humanitarian Medical Kits to Ukraine and Poland with Canadian Medical Assistance Teams (CMAT) and International Association for Refugees (IAFR).

“Everyone is heartbroken with the terrible situation the people of Ukraine are facing. For those of us that cannot be physically in Ukraine, we will not stop doing all we can from Canada to help.” says Lois Brown. “Rallying the community and working around the clock to secure essential medicines to send is how HPIC is making an impact. Anyone can help by sponsoring a Humanitarian Medical Kit for $600.00.”

We are also currently working with other partners: ICROSS Canada, Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, Medical Ministry International (MMI), Samaritan’s Purse, and a team of doctors representing Sick Kids Foundation, Sunnybrook and St. Michael’s Hospitals in Toronto to identify specialized medical needs of Ukrainians in-country and in bordering refugee settlements and to continue to send medical relief.

Pharmaceutical partners like Apotex, AstraZeneca, Bausch Health Canada, GSK Canada, J&J Consumer Canada, Nora Pharma, Pfizer Canada, Pharmascience, Sandoz Canada, Sterimax, Teva Canada, Viatris Canada, Vita Health and member association, Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association have already stepped up to help. HPIC would like to thank each of them for taking the lead in this urgent response.

Canadians looking to support these efforts in Ukraine can do so now by making a donation or sponsoring a Humanitarian Medical Kit by selecting HPIC’s ‘Ukraine Emergency Response’ fund at

About Health Partners International of Canada (HPIC)

Health Partners International of Canada (HPIC) improves the health and well-being of more than one million people around the world every year. HPIC works with many partners, including Canadian health care professionals, government and non-government organizations, companies, foundations and everyday Canadians to bring health to children and families living in vulnerable communities. As the only Canadian charity licensed by Health Canada to handle and distribute donated medicines, HPIC is uniquely positioned to partner with the pharmaceutical industry to support its purpose of strengthening global health systems and providing long-term, sustainable access to quality healthcare for all.


For more information:

Dayana Gomez, Communications Director

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