heise offer: iX workshop: setting up modern (home office) workplaces

Modern corporate structures and forms of work are characterized by a high degree of flexibility in terms of time, space and organization. The two-day online workshop Modern Workplace shows what is hidden behind the idea of ​​New Work and which factors IT managers and HR specialists have to consider – from technology and from Security of the systems used up to a change in the way employees work.

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Anyone who works in IT project management, administration or in the human resources department of SMEs will receive a Understand the technical and non-technical factors of modern workplaces. You deal with technical requirements and challenges and develop a roadmap for implementation in your own company. and software assessment.

The online workshop will take place via video conference software on November 15 and 16, 2021. The speaker Nico Ziegler is managing director of Rewion GmbH and supports Companies involved in large modern workplace projects.During the training there is plenty of opportunity for your own questions and for an exchange with the speaker and the others n participants. The workshop is limited to 20 people. You will receive a 10 percent early bird discount until October 16, 21st.

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