Helene Fischer: shock pictures! Your Thomas Seitel suddenly has a family

These pictures must be a stab in the heart for Helene Fischer: Pictures of Thomas Seitel with a happy family have appeared.

What might Helene Helene have thought when looking at these photos! HER Thomas Seitel very familiar at the side of a woman who could be her twin sister … And HER Thomas as the loving father of two cute little children … Does the pop singer’s new love lead a double life? Has he withheld his wife and children from her? How many disappointments does she still have to cope with?

In this case, however, we can give the all-clear. Because the happiness of the family is just a mock idyll. For Legoland Günzburg. Or to be more precise: there are now pirate and racer rooms in the resort’s holiday village. And that’s exactly what Thomas Seitel is now promoting. As a happy papa!

Thomas Seitel with his “family” Photo: LEGOLAND® Deutschland Resort

So no competition that Helene Fischer has to cause sleepless nights. The singer has been with Thomas Seitel, the acrobat from her show, for three months. Together they enjoy our hit queen’s break, travel through Africa and celebrate their love.

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