Here, Josof (20) is exposed to gross racism: – I was completely crushed

– I was threatened, bullied, violated and discriminated against at the same time.

Previous weekend, the 20-year-old did what he always does on the weekends. He was talking to strangers on a video service.

There he met a young person with a headset on. The person made a number of racist comments.

– These are the worst seconds of my life. I was completely crushed. It is so directly aimed at me with an Asian background, he says.

Hear an excerpt from the conversation here. NRK has distorted the votes:

} “>

Chinese. Hi?
I hope you are happy. I hope you have a good life.
You and. Fucking Chinese. Ching chong. Do you fancy spring rolls with rice and chicken and noodles?
You, can I order your mother? Can I order your mother? Can I order her?


– It is a reminder that racism is real, especially against immigrants. It can, in the worst case, lead to a person committing hateful acts. but trained for it, I mean.

about racism.

Photo: Private

NRK has been given access to the recording of the entire conversation and knows the identity of the person who makes the rude remarks. He is under 18.

The boy’s father is disappointed that his son has made these racist comments.

– It is absolutely awful and completely unacceptable. Why he did what he did, I really do not know. At least my son regrets bitterly what he has said, says the father to NRK.

The boy has subsequently received several threats.

Responds to the incident

Marjan Nadim is a researcher at the Department of Social Research. She responds to the racist comments.

– Communication over the internet can cause us to experience a distance to those we talk to, which means that we can lose many social barriers, says Nadim to NRK.

While the proximity you get from seeing and talking to someone on video in the first place should increase the threshold for that type of attack. That makes this case special.

Marjan Nadim is a researcher at Department of Social Research. Photo: Department of Social Research

According to Nadim, several research projects show that people with a minority background are often more exposed to hatred and threats than others.

– There are no limits to what kind of tough talk one can be exposed to. There are often attacks on what makes them stand out or their difference, she says.

The researcher emphasizes that she does not know the relevant social media, but that it may remind about some platforms found in the gaming world. There, separate jargons can be developed that most people will perceive as unacceptable.

– Start around the dinner table 20-year-old Josof is happy that more people have put their experiences of racism into words lately. Especially NRK’s ​​host Fredrik Solvang, who recently opened up about his experiencing with racism

– Racism is a big problem and we should talk more about this. And preferably even louder, he says

Now he asks people, and especially adults, to talk more about the fact that racism actually exists.

– You should start talking to children around the dinner table. Tell children not to judge people based on what they look like and what religion they have.

He has not decided whether he wants to report to police.

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