Here’s how to clean your $19 Apple cleaning cloth

Here’s the scenario: you managed to get your hands on Apple’s hottest product, its $19 polishing cloth meant for cleaning nano-texture screens and other Apple devices. But oh no! Instead of hanging it up with the rest of your priceless artifacts, you accidentally used it to actually clean something, and now it’s dirty. Thankfully, Apple has bestowed us with a guide on how to make our cloth good as new, and 9to5Mac has brought those instructions to our attention.

Are you ready? Here’s how Apple’s “How to clean the nano-texture glass on your Apple display” support article describes the process:

1. Hand wash the polishing cloth with dish soap and water.

2. Rinse thoroughly.

3. Allow the polishing cloth to air dry for at least 24 hours.

The instructions have been on Apple’s website for at least a few months, according to the WayBack Machine, but despite a handful of reviews or articles mentioning them, I hadn’t come across them. That’s really a shame — other people who also hadn’t known about the instructions might’ve been throwing away their priceless polishers all because of a little grime, wasting $20 simply because the cleaning instructions are buried on a support page instead of being included on a tag, or embossed on the cloth itself. (I would also settle for prime placement on the Apple home page, where all people of the cloth spend their day.)

The instructions themselves are also a little disappointing — ultimately, Apple is telling us to wash the cloth like we would any other delicate fabric. At least it’s back in stock.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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