He’s copped for TWO penalties but now triathlon legend Alistair Brownlee invests in RaceRanger draft technology

He may have incurred two high-profile penalties but Alistair Brownlee seemingly likes the RaceRanger draft technology system so much that he’s now become an investor.

RaceRanger has made its mark at the highest level of professional middle and long-distance triathlon, especially in the last couple of seasons.

The technology assists referees with determining whether or not an athlete is drafting during the bike section, with the permitted distance varying from 12 metres to 20 metres depending on the race.

It’s been adopted for the biggest T100, IRONMAN and Challenge events in 2024, with almost universal approval from athletes and fans.

‘Of all the people’

Ironically the one criticism was that despite its use, penalties were not being handed out in the T100.

But all that changed at T100 Ibiza when the athlete to incur the first-ever T100 sanction was none other than double-Olympic champion Brownlee.

He was in a lead group of six at the time but that 60-second penalty would see him just miss out on the podium.

Commentating on TV at the time, fellow triathlon great Jan Frodeno said: “I cannot believe it – the first penalty in T100 racing. Oh my gosh, really, of all the people.

“We do have the RaceRanger technology and the rules being enforced is something we’ve been asking for all season.

“Quite frankly I think that shows you a tale of the times. Because 10 years ago there wouldn’t have been many technical officials who would have mustered up the courage to make eye contact with Alistair and then shown him a card!”

But the same thing would then happen at the very next T100 race at T100 Lake Las Vegas!

Brownlee would end up as a DNF there but he rounded off his unparalleled career in style in the T100 finale in Dubai when he made it onto the podium before announcing his retirement.

‘Creates a much fairer playing field’

And one of the early developments in that next phase has seen him add RaceRanger to his various tech investments, with the company revealing the news on Instagram as they posted: “@alistair.brownlee Invests in RaceRanger!!!”

They then quoted him as saying: “I’ve used the system a bunch of times since Ibiza last year, and I really like what it has added to the racing.

“Yes I did cop a couple of penalties along the way in T100 races this year! But RaceRanger really does take out a lot of the ambiguity, and creates a much fairer playing field than previously.

“I’m happy to get behind James [Elvery – Co-Founder and CEO] and the team as they expand its use to age-group athletes. The potential value they can add around some of the connected features like tracking and athlete management, and then the data they can provide after the race are really exciting.

“I believe it has the potential to really change our sport for the better, and ultimately make it more enjoyable and popular around the world.”

Alistair Brownlee bike penalty T100 Ibiza 2024 Photo credit PTO
Alistair Brownlee had to serve a drafting penalty at T100 Ibiza [Photo credit: PTO]

RaceRanger added that their funding round is now open and “investors interested in participating alongside Alistair are welcome to make contact with the team to discuss”.

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