Hong Kong people are of high quality, and they like to greet others

Two months ago, a woman suspected that after the bus closed the door and left the station, she planned to get off the bus but failed. She cursed the driver for refusing to open the door. Netizens named her “Yau Ma Tei Princess” for her behavior. In the bus industry, apart from the frontline captain facing the passengers, other staff members may need to contact the passengers and even find ways to calm their emotions.

NWFB and Citybus parent company Huida Transportation has hired 7 interns this year. Wu Baixian (Marcus), who was studying at a university in Australia, was responsible for handling lost and belongings of passengers during the internship. He recalled that when contacting a female passenger who lost her handbag, she was verbally cursed by the other party. The reason for the greeting was that the female passenger lived in Sheung Shui and did not want to go to the office in Chai Wan to retrieve the handbag. He laughed and said that the internship did not scare him into contact with people, being scolded and other experience. In addition to training EQ, it also made him clear about the way forward, hoping to engage in activity coordination.

Another intern, Peng Chengxiao (ABBAS Sahil), is a high school student of Pakistani origin. He came to Hong Kong for about 4 years and was referred to Huida by the school. He said that after two months of internship, the Chinese level has improved, and the teacher also praised it. Huida Transportation stated that it welcomes people of different skin colors and races to join. It also employs a minority car captain and has not received any discrimination against employees.

Huida Transportation has hired 7 interns this year, hoping to promote multiculturalism and inclusiveness in the workplace. The longest internship period is 2 months, and the monthly salary is 8,000 yuan. Interns are assigned to work in different departments.

Marcus studied accounting at Monash University in Australia. Due to the epidemic, he is temporarily unable to return to Australia. During the summer vacation, by coincidence, I discovered Huida’s internship plan, so I started my internship career. He was sent to the customer department to handle lost items and organize events.

Marcus said that he has to contact passengers every day to deal with lost items. During this period, there are many interesting things. For example, Huida’s office is located in Chai Wan, which is relatively remote. The lost property was delivered to the house. He also pointed out that the things he encountered on weekdays were varied, such as the original roast chicken and dozens of tennis balls.

However, in addition to interesting facts, Marcus also mentioned that some cases are difficult to handle. He said that he once met a female passenger who left her handbag on the bus. After the colleague assisted in the recovery, he was responsible for contacting the female passenger, but the other party shouted excitedly and insisted that he had reported the loss within a few hours. Instead of putting the recovered handbag in the stationmaster’s room, he was sent to the Chai Wan office and refused. Go to Chai Wan to retrieve the lost property.

Marcus laughed and said that dealing with similar cases can train patience and EQ, and he has gradually learned how to deal with it. explain. He said that in the end the lady also went to Chai Wan to retrieve the handbag.

Handling more than one hundred lost items per day, up to wallets and phone calls

Marcus pointed out that on average, he receives more than one hundred to two hundred lost items every day, most of which are wallets and telephones. If there is no one for three months If you claim it, it will usually be cleaned up. He said that he had lost his belongings on the bus in the past, and said with a smile: “It turns out that I am not the only one who is stunned.”

Speaking of the future, Marcus said that after the internship, compared with ordinary paperwork, he found that he was interested in organizing activities and knew more about the future. He hoped that he could engage in related work after graduation.

Another intern, Sahil, originally lived in Pakistan, but did not come to Hong Kong until he was admitted to Secondary One. He is currently studying at the Islamic Devotion Memorial High School. After being referred by the school, he became Huida’s first non-Chinese intern. Sahil worked as an intern at the Ministry of Talent Management and Culture to help recruit bus captains. He laughed and said that some applicants thought he did not understand Chinese and communicated with him in English.

Sahil said that he usually communicates in English at school and Pakistani at home. If there are more opportunities to use Chinese, it will not be too difficult to learn. He said that after the summer vacation, the teacher praised his great improvement in Chinese, and now he writes a 100-word Chinese diary every day. He continued that the internship will improve his Chinese and communication skills, which will help him enter university and work in the future. He hopes that he can join the fire and other disciplined forces in the future.

Huang Weiye said that he has always promoted a diverse and inclusive workplace culture and welcomes young people of different races and skin colors. People join and hope to expand the internship program next year. (Photo by Liao Yanxiong)

Huida Transportation Talent Management and Cultural Supervisor Huang Weiye said, Promote a diverse and inclusive workplace culture, welcome young people of different races and skin colors to join, and hope that the internship program can be expanded next year. He continued that there are some ethnic minority car captains who have worked in the company for many years and are familiar with Hong Kong. They have not received any discrimination in their work.

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