Honor invites you to his Club. You will be newly signed into the application with a Google account

Honor reaffirms its commitment to fully relying on Google applications and services again. He could not use those in the era when he still belonged to Huawei due to American sanctions, now the company has been independent for almost a year and the embargo does not apply to it, although some American politicians have been trying recently to the contrary.

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Another proof of the full involvement of the Google ecosystem is the release of the Honor Club app in the Play Store. The application was previously available on the AppGallery market, now it is changing its design and expanding to Google. In addition to improved graphics, developers are signing in with their Google Account as one of the major new applications.

Honor 50 se už brzy začne prodávat i v Evropě. S variantou Pro se u nás zřejmě nepočítá

Honor Club is a classic service-customer application used by other manufacturers (eg Samsung Members, My Huawei, etc.). Here you will find instructions on how to use the device, how to pair it with accessories, there is a fan discussion forum and the latest information about the brand and its products. You can download Honor Club for free for Android here .

The Honor 50 series should soon be seen in Europe as well:

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