Hot Takes: Vaccine Authoritarians Cry All Over Social Media After Supreme Court Slaps Down Biden’s Mandate

I know we’re not supposed to take pleasure in other people’s pain, but it is more than a little tempting to engage in a bit of schadenfreude at those caterwauling about the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate. High-profile leftists had been salivating like Pavlov’s pups at the thought of coercing the unwashed unvaccinated into letting a nurse give them the needle. But, thanks to the highest court in the land, they were unable to exercise their authoritarian streak and they are none too happy about it.

On social media, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from progressive types who were utterly disappointed at the court’s decision. Several renewed calls to pack the Supreme Court in the Democrats’ favor. It seems they believe elections should only have consequences if it benefits them, doesn’t it?

Exavier Pope, host of Suit-Up News, tweeted:

The Supreme Court’s rulings are arbitrary and capricious, political, and unrecognizable of a branch of a stable democratic government

The Supreme Court’s rulings are arbitrary and capricious, political, and unrecognizable of a branch of a stable democratic government

— 𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐞 (@exavierpope) January 13, 2022

Former Hillary Clinton Advisor Zac Petkanas also chimed in:

The Republican senators who changed the filibuster to pack the Supreme Court with three right-wing extremist justices have just prolonged the pandemic.

The Republican senators who changed the filibuster to pack the Supreme Court with three right-wing extremist justices have just prolonged the pandemic.

— Zac Petkanas (@Zac_Petkanas) January 13, 2022

Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) took exception with the court’s decision, arguing that these mandates “could save lives” and insisted that the U.S. should pack the Supreme Court. She wrote:

In a time when hospitalizations and case rates have never been higher, it’s unconscionable the Supreme Court would strike down something that could save lives and help us get through this surge.

This is yet another glaring example of why we must expand the court

In a time when hospitalizations and case rates have never been higher, it’s unconscionable the Supreme Court would strike down something that could save lives and help us get through this surge.

This is yet another glaring example of why we must expand the court

— Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (@chelliepingree) January 13, 2022

Anthony Michael Kreis, professor at Georgia State University College of Law, intimated that the court was “willing to let people die.” He wrote:

The Court is willing to let people die in the name of indefensible formalism. The president should take the Supreme Court to task for this abomination.

The Court is willing to let people die in the name of indefensible formalism. The president should take the Supreme Court to task for this abomination.

— Anthony Michael Kreis (@AnthonyMKreis) January 13, 2022

Brad Woodhouse, former director of communications for the Democratic National Committee and former Obama surrogate, accused the GOP of wanting more people to die from COVID-19. He wrote:

Republicans want to prolong the pandemic – have more people get sick and die – so they can blame Biden and win an election. And the Supreme Court just helped them. Disgraceful.

Republicans want to prolong the pandemic – have more people get sick and die – so they can blame Biden and win an election. And the Supreme Court just helped them. Disgraceful.

— Brad Woodhouse (@woodhouseb) January 13, 2022

I’m sure this won’t be the only whining we will be hearing from the left on this matter. At this point, the president and his merry band of Democrats will have to go back to the drawing board on this one. Now that the Supreme Court dashed their Marxist dreams, perhaps they will seek out a new way to force America to stick a needle in its arm. One thing is for sure: It’ll be interesting to see what they try next.

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