How do organisations find and debunk disinformation on war in Ukraine?

The war in Ukraine is the subject of much online disinformation and propaganda but fact-checking organisations are tracking down how social media posts spread and debunking them


14 March 2022

By Chris Stokel-Walker

KYIV, UKRAINE - MARCH 08: Firefighters try to extinguish a fire after a chemical warehouse was hit by Russian shelling on the eastern frontline near Kalynivka village on March 08, 2022, in Kyiv, Ukraine. Russia continues assault on Ukraine's major cities, including the capital Kyiv, after launching a large-scale invasion of the country on February 24. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

Firefighters try to extinguish a fire after a chemical warehouse was hit by Russian shelling near Kalynivka village in Ukraine on 8 March

Chris McGrath/Getty Images

The fog of war makes it difficult enough to know what is going on in Ukraine, but deliberate disinformation being shared by the Russian government and pro‑Russian social media users is tinting our view of events.

“Tidal waves of disinformation accompany crisis,” says Joan Donovan at Harvard University. For example, the Russian Embassy in the UK claimed in social media posts on 10 March, without providing credible …

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